For me I thanks @Mohammad for sharing this very useful bit of code:
\rules except dash list
/* css here .. */
MUCH easier to use pseudo selector / css variables with this.
A lots of thanks too to @simon for his work on tiddlyhost, template, cloning + external js wiki are a BIG QOL improvements. Until then I rarely used tiddlyhost, because I didn’t want to use too much bandwidth + saving was much more faster locally, these new features are a game changer for me.
My favorite plugin this year is hands down @Maurycy’s auto complete plugin. So many possibilities with this addon, it’s incredible.
@Mohammad’s Gatha plugin is a close second, I need to use it next year.
This tutorial by @btheado on how to make a JS widget is pure gold, one more thing I need to do next year: TW widget tutorials — Step-by-step widget demonstrations
This plugin that made adding comments support to my wikis very easy, by breakzplatform: GitHub - breakzplatform/tw5-github-comments: GitHub comments for TiddlyWiki5
This awesome plugin to export the core js / plugins and make your wiki lighter by @cdruan : GitHub - cdruan/tw-external-js: TiddlyWiki plugin for externalizing TW core and plugins
Very neat use of tiddlywiki by @Charlie_Veniot : Charlie'sBASIC Anywhere Machine — BASIC Programming Powered by TiddlyWiki
I don’t know anything about BASIC but it looks very impressive
Favorites additions to tiddlywiki this year: json operators, the listField option for the checkbox widget, support for directly specifying style properties, flat option on the map filter, the $:/tags/ClassFilters system tags
Happy New Year everyone !