Hello @EricShulman
I’m referring to [tw5] Re: convert date in a text field to date format:
I’d like to convert my field ‘published’ to a date format with the code provided by @Mark_S:
<$button>Update Publication Dates
<$list filter="[has[published]]">
<$wikify text="""<$macrocall $name=convertdate from={{!!published}} to="[UTC]YYYY0MM0DD0hh0mm0ss0XXX" />""" name=result >
<$action-setfield $field=published-tw $value=<> />
He mentioned:
Be sure to make a backup before trying this of course. Also, this assumes that you have the latest version of Eric’s converdate macro installed.
Can you provide me please the macro?
The mentioned link It's About Time! — TiddlyTools: "Small Tools for Big Ideas!" (tm) is not valid anymore.
Background info: ‘published’ can be a date in the future. This field can be used for sorting instead of ‘created’ or ‘modified’ in TOC etc.
Is there also a way to run the convertion each time, when I start my wiki?