Use WebDAV for saving a single file wiki

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This post collates and summarizes options for working with and saving single file TiddlyWikis using a WebDAV server. When the TiddlyWiki file is loaded from a WebDAV server url, it will automatically detect and act as a WebDAV client. All changes will be saved back to the WebDAV server.

The “platform” below refers to the platform on which the WebDAV server runs. The TiddlyWiki WebDAV client code runs in the browser and is completely cross platform.

Cross platform:
(these are all very lightweight, portable and easy to use solutions)




  • RCX (Rclone for Android). Being an rclone port means that RCX lets you do spectacular things from your Android phone, like directly editing a TiddlyWiki file stored on Google Drive (or Dropbox, or FTP, or any of the remotes listed here, including of course your local storage). Assuming that one or more TiddlyWiki files have been stored in your Google Drive, just follow the steps below:

    1. Create a new Google Drive remote by clicking on the :heavy_plus_sign: sign in the bottom right corner of RCX Remotes screen. This will lead you seamlessly through the authentication process of your Google Drive account. Once the remote is created, it will appear as a new entry on the Remotes screen.
    2. Now you can select your Google Drive remote from the Remotes screen. After a short while (provided you’re online of course) you should see the list of your GD folders. Navigate to the one that holds your TiddlyWiki(s), click on the vertical dots menu, then choose Serve…, then Webdav, then OK.

    Now open a browser in the same Android device at http://localhost:8080 and choose the TiddlyWiki file you want to edit. Not only it will load as expected, but it will also save to Google Drive transparently, thanks to webdav!
    Note that if the wikis in the served folder are not too sensitive, you can even serve them outside your phone (to your local network for instance) by allowing access from other devices at step 2 and choosing a Username/Password to avoid inadvertent access.

Compiled from:

Edited by: @saqimtiaz @btheado @stobot @xcazin


The top post is a wiki post meant to collate and summarize information for using WebDAV for single file wikis, please feel free to edit it to improve upon and update the content.

To help maintain this as a quick and concise reference please discuss the content itself or any new relevant techniques in the original post or start a new post.

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