TiddlyWiki-CPL: TiddlyWiki world of Google App Store!

> View the TiddlyWiki-CPL site <

What is TiddlyWiki-CPL?

CPL includes:

  • An open site containing information, documentation, and user reviews of all collected plugins.

  • A plugin library that can be installed in your local Wiki, allowing easy download and update of plugins.

  • An automated update deployment system that checks the version status of all recorded plugins every hour, keeping your plugins up to date.

We collect all the interesting plugins. Whether you’re a plugin author, a happy user who shares, or a user looking for interesting plugins, all are welcome!

Up to now (2022.1.19), CPL has collected 48 plugins from 13 authors, including fishing, echarts, tiddlymap, etc. We are committed to linking all TW users and providing a free and open platform for plugin distribution. The entire service is free of charge, and we try to keep the plugin versions as up-to-date as possible.

Note: Not all plugins have been included by their authors themselves. In fact, anyone can suggest interesting plugins to us. Sharing is the key to CPL!

Want to try CPL and contribute interesting plugins? Click on the link at the top to learn more! Welcome to be a part of us!

Want to share your plugins? No problem! We have detailed guidelines on our website!


@Mohammad Hi! The full tutorial for publishing the plugin in CPL has been posted, right here on the site!


It’s very convenient to publish and install plugins using this media, leveraging the Github Actions, everything is automated by the machine.

This will help TW plugins accessible by more non-technical people.


This is what I imagined links.tiddlywiki would be like


Thanks for sharing @Sttot it’s great to see what the Chinese community has built.

I’m keen to launch an official community plugin library this year, and this is inspiring and helpful.

The work last year on the links aggregator was the first phase of the CPL: getting to grips with GitHub Actions, scraping and aggregating.


Great job!

I like CPL and the ease of access and and use of many high quality plugins.
While you are allowed to include any of kookma plugins in CPL, I will study the procedure which seems facilitate the whole processes for maintaining, and distributing


Glad to hear that! This will bring the TW community even closer together.

Looking forward to any kind of collaboration. We can discuss this topic further!

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I like it because it is curated. And it is not too much.

Basically it is organised & not too big.
There is likely a lesson in it’s design to be learnt.

Quick thoughts

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It’s convenient to install plugins using CPL. And I’ve been using it for a while and putting up my Fishing plugins.


Now CPL has already had 150 plugins+themes! :partying_face:

The process of collecting plugins has been exhilarating, and I’m glad that CPL has made it easy for everyone and helped the authors spread their masterpieces!


Hi, I was searching for my plugins and saw, that no icons are shown.

I did read TW-CPL — 太微插件聚合中心

There is an Icon-URL but no info about the icon itself. So how does the icon have to look like. I’d prefer SVG format.

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