non-JS Calendar

Hi Everyone,

The existing calendar plugins didn’t really fit what I am looking for in terms of displaying a list of Tiddlers tagged to a date on the calendar so I made my own. It shows Tiddlers tagged with the date as “YYYYMMDD” (20240318), recurring monthly Tiddlers tagged with the date as “DD” (01), and recurring weekly Tiddlers tagged with the day of the week as “Www” (Wed). It can show Weekly or Monthly views with expanded/collapsed details that can be color coded.

It is all wikitext with no JS so it’s pretty easy to modify and customize for your own needs as well.


Very intuitive and easy to use—great job!

And while it’s not really what you’re showcasing, I also love the way you’re using the range slider up top to control the width of the sidebar. It’s so simple and elegant I can’t believe I’ve never seen it done before!

Yes, the sidebar slider is SO fantastic! I assume this would enable one to widen the story river on demand to read embedded pdfs, and narrow on demand to read ordinary text faster.

How do I get the the sidebar slider? Do I just copy your $:/*/SideBar/slider tiddler?

Thanks! You will also need the “$:/*/SideBar/slider/pagetemplate” tiddler

You will also need to modify the values for Story right, Story width, and Tiddler width under theme tweaks in the Control Panel

I downloaded a copy to play with. Thanks!

For people like me who are not familiar with Tiddlyhost, you can download a copy by appending “download/” to tiddlyhost url in the browser like this In Tiddlyhost, the usual SAVE button will attempt to save to Tiddlyhost server instead, which will fail if you don’t have an account.

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Thank you! I was wondering how to modify my theme tweaks until I realized you meant I needed to go look at your Control Panel Theme Tweaks and make sure mine read the same ^o^

How do I call your event calandar into a tiddler?

@ hoopyfrood
Thanks for this great plugin.
Is it possible to start the Days of the Week on Monday rather than Sunday?
I must be missing this setting somewhere.

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I transclude it as a template like {{||$:/plugins/EventCal/full}} into another tiddler. From some of the discourse I’ve seen here, it’s “better practice” to transclude as a template instead of calling a global macro, though if someone could correct me or elaborate that would be helpful.

Make sure you enter the year in the <$edit-text> before you select the month from the <$select> because an action in that widget is what creates the $:/state tiddler that stores the positions of the dates for that month.

I tweaked and uploaded an alternate version that starts on Monday, see the ReadMe to see which Tiddlers you need for it.

Hi, glad to see another calendar plugin, note that if you use startDate and endDate fields for event, you can work with Visualization Dashboard plugin in development seemlessly. (Some gauges require your calendar have Agenda view, not only month view)

Great gauges, we love a good visualization!

Feel free to integrate any modifications/plugins and showcase them here. My calendar is all in wikitext so it should be fairly accessible to add to and change.

My goal here was to have the basic groundwork for a calendar that people can use to build the features/UI that is personally relevant to them. The “full” version that I use for my own main TW has even more buttons and UI bits that other users won’t need, while the “full” version I uploaded to Tiddlyhost is fairly general in trying to keep things simple.

The “basic” version is just a table that calculates the dates assigned to cells depending on the month/year, what you do in those cells can be completely up to you.

Lists of tagged Tiddlers, buttons for creating events or Journal Tiddlers, gauges and visualizations, toggles, reminders, agendas; one of the greatest things about TW is the control you have over how your data is presented!

Thanks for providing an alternative version (Start Monday).