Visualization Dashboard plugin v1.0

Some new user of TidGi Mobile is attracted by tw-calendar plugin, and ask for visualization like time block app

So I’m creating a new vis dashboard layout, that can display multiple gauges fullscreen. It is still on dev, but you can try it by click “Visualization Dashboard” button on the simple layout launcher on:

And to give data to some gauge, you need to drag some Sleeping event (event with Sleeping tag) on the calendar on Index

Then you will see some counter gauges on the dashboard layout

To simplify the filter expression that collect data for these gauges, I write multiple new fitler operators, you can try them on

There are 2 things I’m uncertain

  1. the dashboard seems too simple, I need more design for it
  2. what other visualization do we need? I personally don’t use much visualization before, because there wasn’t much structed data on my wiki for it

Github: GitHub - tiddly-gittly/tiddlywiki-calendar: Widget and Page Layout displaying tiddlers on calendar and agenda, based on created, modified, startDate and endDate fields.
Dev with: Unnamed Plugin — Unfilled Description


This is great, time management is something that I really struggle with and google calendar is one of the only tool that keep being useful to me, so seing more tools being developed on top of your calendar is awesome ! As for visualisation, something like this could be useful to track progress on habits:

(HabitHub app screenshots found here I shared templates for the X effect method and my experiences about it | by Jennifer Proust (ג’ניפר פרוסט) | Medium)

Do you think it would be possible to sync the plugin data with a google calendar ? Maybe google tasks too, to get notification from google calendar after a task or event is created with the plugin in a wiki ?


I use linonetwo/ical-calendar-importer import my events from google calendar, and I’m not using google calendar for personal events anymore.

(If need to date a meeting, I use GitHub - calcom/ Scheduling infrastructure for absolutely everyone. )

Oh that’s great ! I’ve started handling my tasks with projectify & syncing to my devices with TiddlyPWA, now I’m experimenting with your agenda plugin and I will try to do a full transition to tiddlywiki. With your tools this seems much more realistic, so thanks ! The only thing I miss are notifications for reminders when the wiki is closed, maybe the Push & Notifications API could be used ?

I think PWA have some JS API for this, and I was trying to add simillar API to TidGi Deksktop and Mobile so in-wiki notification become system notification, but I personally don’t urgently need this because I check my wiki very frequently :stuck_out_tongue: .

More gauge templates added


V0.0.1 is released on CPL, give it a try!

Search Visualization Dashboard on CPL to install it.

In real action

Support for creating brain maps and heat maps now.

Double-clicking on a caption opens it in the standard layout (storyflow cardflow), and then you can use the {{caption}} embed syntax to hook the pendant into any note, e.g. the home page.

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