New TiddlyWiki Sidebar Resizer

Since the notebook theme customizes the sidebar, the plugin Resizable Sidebar - Resize your sidebar with mouse dragging! is not compatible, so I rewrote a notebook sidebar resizer

source code:

support themes

  • vanilla theme
  • notebook theme
  • captivate theme
  • whitespace theme

mini example: My TiddlyWiki — a non-linear personal web notebook

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Hi @oeyoews, is this also compatible with the normal sidebar so that you just have to install this one?

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Good idea, it is possible to be compatible with ordinary sidebars at the same time. How could I forget this? Let me try the following

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I updated the plugin, you can test it in the website above, and it now works out of the box (apart from the need to install the tailwindcss plugin, I have not yet written the styles independently into a single css file)

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In 0.1.3, I removed the dependence on the tailwindcss plugin, and now it is truly available out of the box. Here is the address of the latest version.


Thank you so much for this plugin, it’s working out of the box on and I love it!

Anyway, there’s a small bug: a remaining warning for a missing dependency to tiddlywiki/tailwindcss-plus although it’s not needed anymore:

Despite the warning the plugin works perfectly, thanks again for publishing it!


Forgot to remove this, already fixed


If you use other themes and this plugin does not support it, please let me know and I can try to adapt more themes. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Thank you @oeyoews for this great offer, I rather would need the resizer to be compatible with more Layouts than more themes. You think you can do this as well?

Yes, some official themes do not actually change the layout of the sidebar, so they are all adapted. The adaptation here refers to the layout, but so far, except for the vanilla theme and notebook theme, I have not seen any other ayout. One thing I can think of is that someone moved the vanilla right sidebar to the left, but I have not tried it, and I am not sure whether everyone’s custom vanilla sidebar configuration is consistent, so I have not adapted it yet.

Welcome to provide more layouts case that require resizer plugin

Is it possible to make it work with captivate theme and layout.

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@oeyoews Looks like it’s working with captivate
Is it available in the demo site ?

My TiddlyWiki — a non-linear personal web notebook

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Currently, the captive theme cannot overwrite the system entries of the caption through resizer plugins and needs to be manually edited. However, I can write a startup action to rewrite the system in resizer plugins entries to out-of-box (but we will not consider it for now).

@oeyoews Can this be made to work with whitespace theme

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Basically done


Can you share the link ?