A new way to read ebooks in TiddlyWIki

TWPUB was discussed in the forum TW into public hands post.

I also think it is a good way to explore new electronic publishing formats. In particular, its fragmented approach happens to fit with Incremental Learning proposed by Piotr Wozniak

Since I’ve been working on SuperMemo and LingQ, I recently wrote some code that combines TWPUB with Incremental Reading in TiddlyWiki. And it can be viewed in Fishing Manual to try.


Hi @oflg I’m thrilled to see you building on top of TWPub. My hope in doing these things is to identify the simplest, most flexible primitives to provide the basic functionality, enabling the broad community of TiddlyWiki makers to customise and mix and match the functionality that they need. I strongly believe that this process leads to robust, meaningful results.

Incremental reading was new to me, and very interesting. It’s encouraging to see broad recognition that the term “reading” actually covers a multitude of different ways to approach a text.

I’m particularly interested in ways of exploring books that I have already read and enjoyed from a different perspective. For example, being able to get a birds eye view of a text is surprisingly interesting. This is a feature that hasn’t yet gone live on the TWPub website, but will do soon.

This example is the text of Alice in Wonderland. I like the way that the broad structure of the book is still discernible. One can clearly see the typographic poem near the top of the second column.

Leafing through a few examples, I’m drawn to the conclusion that a surprisingly large number of books follow the pattern of a block of narrative prose at the start of each chapter, followed by conversation until the end of the chapter. Furthermore, the block of prose at the start of chapter 1 is typically noticeably longer than other chapters.

I’m not sure how illuminating any of that is, but I’ve been enjoying exploring.


If there is one thing tiddlywiki does for me regularly is to show a completely different view of things than makes me think differently. Who would think we could look at the whole book at once?. Had I annotated it while reading I would quickly see where in the book it caught my attention the most.


Looking forward to this feature. This could provide a different perspective and allow the user to look down and browse the whole book。For example, Heptabase has a macro perspective of cards.


Wow, this looks really great.
How could this be achived? To me the most powerfull candidates seem TiddlyMap and the Cecily-storyView

It is a proprietary feature in Heptabase.

I have tried to implement it in TW but failed.

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I think that minis-preview extremely interesting / useful. IMO being able to zoom in more could lift it to usable?

Essentially the formal issue is maybe: to what level of comprehension does this add? What I mean is that at that small it is mainly indecipherable. Inbuilt “zoomology” might be a factor here?

Just thoughts, TT

@oflg : Have you already had a look on


A lot of the features are already there.
What would be needed is a more flexible representation/transclusion of tiddlers in the Map.

I’ve seen it, and the Echarts plugin. None of them can render wikitext on the graph.


Neat, this is a really interesting set of additional tools.

(I have also had a note to read through the TiddlyMap code to get wikitext rendering onto the canvas for a little while, but things and stuff and life. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: )

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Perhaps StoryView is a viable approach.

Maybe use lots of wikify to get doms of tiddlers and insert doms into echarts. I’m gonna try this in WYSIWYG editor.


I think GoJS may work.

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This looks interesting. But it is based on TW Classic I guess.

The Cecily plug in for TW5 has limited functionality I guess. It can be installed from the official tiddlywiki plug in library.

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Again an impressive library…but should we discuss on what library to focus. This would be the fifth major visualizing library implemented to TW - only as far as I know I am sure there is more.

  • d3.js
  • echarts
  • vis.js which is the basis of TiddlyMap and TiddlyTimeline
  • three.js

plus mermaid and some other more specialized libs…
Should we launch a discussion which is supposed to be the most powerfull branch?

Apart from this: Great attempt to develop TW in this direction, I have been longing for a tool like this for long.

Here is a great demonstration how mapping knowledge might work (in german alas)

the tool was called IMapping and presented a mixture between pinboard mindmap and conceptmap.
It is now converted into Infinitymaps Example and explanation
It is also based on cards.

The following views are my own.

  • Vis.js is old and can be completely replaced by other visualization libraries.
  • d3.js can do anything, but is more like a programming language than a tool, is not suitable for the average user, and does not render efficiently. Good for prototyping but not for products.
  • echarts focuses on data visualization and is excellent at data representation but not good at other visualizations such as flowcharts.
  • gojs is good at doing visualization rendering like UML.
  • three.js I haven’t used, but I think it’s more suitable for 3D animation rendering.
  • mermaid is just easy to use but can be replaced by gojs in terms of functionality.

It looks nice. It would be better if it could have a relationship line.

@jeremyruston how do you envision cecily story view to evolve in the future