I’m always looking for different ways to learn / retain knowledge of TiddlyWiki & wikitext. I use a great open source language for data science called R and one of the cool learning tools that people put together for R are cheat sheets. There’s base R, and then over time (it’s been around a while) packages that are extremely popular have been added. I actually print out the main cheat sheets and literally keep some (about 8 usually) with me during work at all times for handy reference. It reminds me of rpg video games back in the 90s where you had to remember a fair bit of stuff. They’re all setup to print in nice color, double-sided single page. I know that sounds a little old-school, but I think there are some old-school folks in the TW club too
Here’s an example (one side of two) of one of the most popular R Packages - dplyr
RStudio Cheatsheets - RStudio
Similar to some of these packages in R, within wikitext there’s a lot of syntax to remember, and so I’ve been mulling over putting together something like this for TW. Maybe one side is ALL filter operators as that’s what I’m referring to the most by far, and then the other side is for everything else. Anyways, just a thought, and curious if anyone has already made something similar?