TiddlyWiki is almost 20 years old!

Wow. I’m late (sorry)

Anyway, I don’t care what you say, Jeremy so-called Ruston,[1] I’ve been using TiddlyWiki for at least 25 years. I got the bruises and scars to prove it.

And, not wishing to cast aspersions on anyone, TiddlyWiki has kept many of us sane for decades – me most definitely!

[1]. I wish I could remember where that chuckle-worthy, misapplied “so-called” came from – Rik Mayall maybe? :laughing:


A refresh of the palette would be good, it feels like there are far too many different colors to choose (over 130+). My dream would be to have an easy built-in way to change the colors, with a way to insert colors from Base16 color schemes. (I am aware of https://colorplay.tiddlyhost.com/ but it would be good to have something similar in the core). Maybe a few more built-in alternative layouts might also be interesting too.

Chris Barnatt is brilliant at explaining things and puts them in context always !
TW2024 needs his input and skills




Christ Barnatt

Christopher Barnatt’s profile on LinkedIn https://uk.linkedin.com/in/christopherbarnatt


Thank you very much, Birthe, for bringing this up again. (Tusind tak!)
I would still be very happy to donate these SVGs to the project as a birthday present. If anyone can use them as inspiration or part of a T-shirt design, they are very welcome.

All the best for the next 21 years to TW and the team and the community!


Wow! I can’t remember when I found Tiddlywiki. I think I found Wiki On A Stick first (WOAS), then found TW after that maybe around 2006. The tags really help me as well.

It sure has helped me organize my notes though. And Tiddlyhost is a big help as well.

And here’s a blurb! Tiddlywiki is 19 years old this month! - by Bacca400

Thank you everybody. It sounds like there’s some solid support for the idea of a merchandise shop. I’ve wanted to do that for a long time, and have recently have had some experience in that field, so I think it’s viable.

I’ve started a new thread for the discussion about redrawing Motovun Jack:


Nineteen already? Time does fly! :partying_face:
Congrats to all the community and a very special thanks to Jeremy and all the contributors for keeping one of my personal favorite open source projects alive. It is quite unique and peculiar, and the emphasis on privacy is a rarity these days, when everything is a cloud service and user is data mined to no end.

Had forgotten all about Wiki On A Stick, but is what first introduced me to TiddlyWiki as well. Good times, thanks for the reminisce.

Those are all great ideas for a celebration, but I’m particularly interested in these

This gave me a few wild ideas.

Jeremy has in the past mentioned considering renaming TiddlyWiki to something else because of certain concerns with the name holding us back. Some brainstorming occurred in other threads

There have been a few past attempts at branding TiddlyWiki and coming up with a logo in the old Google Groups Forum. I made a few attempts myself some time ago as well.

With this in mind, this seems like the perfect timing for a full revamp. This could be a great opportunity to start fresh, and do the complete rebranding. I apologize in advance for the overly ambitious proposal, but bear with me. From the most modest to the most radical:

  1. New stylish palettes - Maybe keep it down two a handful to be manageable (quality over quantity), one or two light colored palettes, one or two “dark modes”, and one or two for the visually impaired.

  2. A new modern theme. Nico Notebook is a good example I’m currently using myself, perhaps a great starting point. Responsive design, modern look, good mobile browser support, touch interface ready, reorganized settings new clearer structure.

  3. Rename TiddlyWiki to whatever is deemed suitable

  4. Make a logo and creating branding for the fresh updated name from the get-go.

  5. Launch a new “6.0 version” to celebrate the occasion, that is a successor of the current 5 series

  6. Correct me if I’m wrong, but TiddlyWiki prides itself on mostly keeping backwards compatibility. From my limited understanding I imagine this probably lead to gaining some “baggage” in terms of code, that may be holding it back it terms of size, simplicity, performance and freedom. Take the opportunity to “clean house” and deprecate old methods with the new fresh version, without fear of breaking backwards compatibility.

I understand this may well upset some users, and may not align with the global vision for the project. Radical, changes like that are bound to break some workflows, but the opportunity does seem timely. I certainly don’t expect all of this to even be feasible, but just wanted to put it out there, maybe some of these points are worth pursuing.

I’d love to help with what I can.

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Now for the volunteering part, I’m far from being a skilled artist, and I don’t have a lot of free time these days, but whatever I can spare, I volunteer for any artistic or illustration purposes, like themes, mockups, palettes, graphics, logos, merchandise decor, or anything of the sort.

Anyway, took me quite a while but I’ve been playing around with Motovun Jack and came up with a few monochrome versions. This is my rendition of our illustrious mascot

I realize now from the other thread a more stylized version may required, so I made a slightly simplified silhouette as well.

I have a few more waiting, but I don’t think these would be adequate as logos. They are way too elaborate, don’t work well at small scales, and are too complex for a logo, but may still be somewhat useful as a mascot, “mood image”, for illustration purposes, or as example file.

There was a lot of trial and error, but it was fun to make, so I’ll share them here. I can make them available as vector SVG files if there’s any interest, but I’d like to hear Jeremy’s thoughts on the logo matter first.

I’d love to help come up with something that pleases the community, but Jack the cat doesn’t seem the right way forward, and before tackling the logo itself any potential branding changes should be settled first.


Hey, time to bump this almost year-old thread! It took a detour into the details of Motovun jack imagery, but @jeremyruston was really inviting us to think about 20th anniversary things in general. September is just around the corner!

Or maybe we want a new/branching thread. But let’s not drop the brainstorming that was started here!


Maybe we could ask for advice on HackerNews as an Ask HN? I guess there will be someone with experience from other (larger?) open source projects that may offer guidance and novel thoughts


Anniversary date is nearing… anything exciting is in the works…I have read somewhere that multiwiki server might debut before the anniversary.

Since the date is approaching: What about celebrating the birthday in a videoconference? I feel like I would like to congratulate @jeremyruston and the community in person :wink:


The fates haven’t been so kind, I’m afraid. But MWS is in a solid state for cautious experimentation, and gives us a clear roadmap to talk about.

I had been meaning to do something along those lines. For the 10th anniversary in 2014 I hosted a marathon near 8 hour long online hangout:

I could do something similar on 20th September, but perhaps do it in two or three separate chunks to cover the different timezones.


Posting a pinned datetime with timezones maybe a day or so in advance would be great so some users can put it on our calendars.

Personally, I’d enjoy being able to attend it :grin: I’ve missed a few different gatherings about tiddlywiki due to conflicting scheduling :sweat_smile:

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Happy (belated) 20th birthday, TiddlyWiki!

Are we going to have an online hangout to celebrate? I’m curious to also learn next steps for the project.

Hey, it’s not belated yet!! Sept 20 is 20th anniversary.

What year was the transition from TiddlyWiki Classic? I did not move early to 5.x.x but I was involved with tiddlywiki classic.

I must admit the 20 year anniversary is making me feel old.

Lol yea… that means I was six when TW was created :sweat_smile:

Try being 40 when it was created you baby :nerd_face:

Just in time to prepare your digital brain before the biological might start forgetting, Tones!
I was 50, when TW was created - and started late with TW classic. I just became functional using it - when the first betas of TW5 got out. Always something new.
I would really like a prepare for senior years edition. All the stuff we need to know, remember and use. (Medical too).