TiddlyWiki is almost 20 years old!

Hey, time to bump this almost year-old thread! It took a detour into the details of Motovun jack imagery, but @jeremyruston was really inviting us to think about 20th anniversary things in general. September is just around the corner!

Or maybe we want a new/branching thread. But let’s not drop the brainstorming that was started here!


Maybe we could ask for advice on HackerNews as an Ask HN? I guess there will be someone with experience from other (larger?) open source projects that may offer guidance and novel thoughts


Anniversary date is nearing… anything exciting is in the works…I have read somewhere that multiwiki server might debut before the anniversary.

Since the date is approaching: What about celebrating the birthday in a videoconference? I feel like I would like to congratulate @jeremyruston and the community in person :wink:


The fates haven’t been so kind, I’m afraid. But MWS is in a solid state for cautious experimentation, and gives us a clear roadmap to talk about.

I had been meaning to do something along those lines. For the 10th anniversary in 2014 I hosted a marathon near 8 hour long online hangout:

I could do something similar on 20th September, but perhaps do it in two or three separate chunks to cover the different timezones.


Posting a pinned datetime with timezones maybe a day or so in advance would be great so some users can put it on our calendars.

Personally, I’d enjoy being able to attend it :grin: I’ve missed a few different gatherings about tiddlywiki due to conflicting scheduling :sweat_smile:

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Happy (belated) 20th birthday, TiddlyWiki!

Are we going to have an online hangout to celebrate? I’m curious to also learn next steps for the project.

Hey, it’s not belated yet!! Sept 20 is 20th anniversary.

What year was the transition from TiddlyWiki Classic? I did not move early to 5.x.x but I was involved with tiddlywiki classic.

I must admit the 20 year anniversary is making me feel old.

Lol yea… that means I was six when TW was created :sweat_smile:

Try being 40 when it was created you baby :nerd_face:

Just in time to prepare your digital brain before the biological might start forgetting, Tones!
I was 50, when TW was created - and started late with TW classic. I just became functional using it - when the first betas of TW5 got out. Always something new.
I would really like a prepare for senior years edition. All the stuff we need to know, remember and use. (Medical too).


Even though TW is a fountain of youth I sometimes would need an “I am on mobile and can’t find my glasses - easy accesible larger font button”!


Shush now young person. Go and play over there and stop remininding me of my mortality. :laughing:

Hi everyone.

With respect to an online hangout, I am planning to announce slots on Thursday 19th, Friday 20th, and Saturday 21st, at different times to suit our diverse timezones. I’ll announce the slots in the next couple of days.

I would appreciate any advice about the best tech platform to use. All the old TiddlyWiki Hangouts were made with a weird precursor to Google Hangouts that doesn’t appear to exist anymore. I’m hoping for a platform that will let people join by video or chat, and allows the session to be recorded so that it can be posted to YouTube afterwards. Perhaps Discord? We should probably split this discussion into a separate thread.

I have a paid zoom account, that maybe able to be used, and it can record. I expect we can then upload to You tube. I am not sure yet If I will need to be present and what we expect our maximum attendees are going to reach.

But it is an option.

  • I will not be able to do it after the 23rd so the time table cant slip beyond that.
  • I will have a look at it in detail if you want.

I would say zoom or microsoft teams. Im not a big fan of webex personally… doesnt like to play nice sometimes.

Discord would be an interesting choice, im used to them being setup as chatrooms and callrooms for gaming.

We could do it as a livestream on youtube if tiddlywiki has an official channel too. That way you have your main members in the call, and then the live chat section for additional viewers. (Not too sure how many ppl are planning to attend so, yt stream would lean towards more than 10 imo)

Hey, don’t feel bad. I was days away from turning 4 when it was created, so you’re older than at least one person here. Fellow young’uns unite :handshake:


Thank you! For my part, I am very glad indeed to see so many youngsters here.

I want TiddlyWiki to be universally useful to the broadest range of people. At the beginning, I was very conscious that I might accidentally have made something that only made sense to other Western middle aged white dudes who shared my cultural context. So, I breathed a huge sigh of relief when I first noticed TiddlyWiki becoming popular with users from China. It made me more confident that the core ideas of TiddlyWiki are independent of writing system and cultural context.

There can be a bigger gulf between generations than between cultures. I was bought up in a somewhat monochrome world of letter writing and expensive phone calls, while young people today have constantly connected electronic communication against a technicolor background of moving and still images. The role of the written word has changed. So, I think TiddlyWiki is doing well if it can serve the needs of both the young and the old(er).


An interesting aspect of TiddlyWiki’s inclusivity is how inviting it is to development and contribution to an open source project for non-professionals.

I surely have above-average knowledge for someone not professionally associated with IT, but I knew very little of the technologies used by TW when I discovered it (I knew very rudimentary HTML and CSS basics, and practically nothing about JS).

TW blurs the border between users and developers. It lets create new functionality based on relatively simple rules (compared to e.g. creating the same functionality by writing JS plugins).
For me TW is the first open source project and community that I am able to, and enjoy to, contribute to.