Thank you! For my part, I am very glad indeed to see so many youngsters here.
I want TiddlyWiki to be universally useful to the broadest range of people. At the beginning, I was very conscious that I might accidentally have made something that only made sense to other Western middle aged white dudes who shared my cultural context. So, I breathed a huge sigh of relief when I first noticed TiddlyWiki becoming popular with users from China. It made me more confident that the core ideas of TiddlyWiki are independent of writing system and cultural context.
There can be a bigger gulf between generations than between cultures. I was bought up in a somewhat monochrome world of letter writing and expensive phone calls, while young people today have constantly connected electronic communication against a technicolor background of moving and still images. The role of the written word has changed. So, I think TiddlyWiki is doing well if it can serve the needs of both the young and the old(er).