Thanks! That made me confident enough to give it a try . I’m still hestitant of having the admin page on a internet-front-facing for personal notes, but for keeping the Grok TiddlyWiki TakeAways and the Tutorial-built wiki seems great.
Here’s the steps I followed to migrate both wikis (Grok and tutorial-built wiki) I had on TiddlyDesktop into TiddlyPWA:
- Export the wiki you want to import into TiddlyPWA as .json
- Login to
- Go to ServerHosting/Glitch TiddlyPWA’s tiddler
- Write the password you want to use to access the wikis admin panel
- Click on the remix button, the for the site will open with the readme
- Click on “Preview > New Window” to open the admin panel
- Use the password from Step3, the admin menu should unlock
- Click “Create new wiki” button and write the name to identify the wiki information
- Go to “TiddlyPWA — TiddlyWiki Storage & Sync Solution” and paste the URL from the admin page and the hash for the wiki you just created (Listed on the wiki list at the admin page) and click “Upload”
- Go to the given URL by “~UploadApp”, copy the token used on UploadApp and set a new password. Only works on non-private tabs due to using the browser memory database.
- (Optional) If the wiki has extra plugins, drag and drop them from “More > Plugins > Plugins” on the original wiki tab into the TiddlyPWA tab. Will require using the “Save” button so the new tiddlywikiapp.html is saved on Glitch
- Click on “Import” from the “Wiki More options > import” and select the exported JSON from the original wiki
- Click on “Import” button from the list of tiddlers shown to be imported
- Reload the website and login if you did not save the password on the browsers
- Sadly, the wiki configuration is not exported into the JSON, so just try to mimic the original wiki options, navigating from all the places on $:/ControlPanel and setting everything to the same values as the original wiki
Here’s the final result, looks like the images are exported as base64 on the JSON. It would be awesome to be able to also export configuration options on Wikis that rely heavily on it. Also I can not see the “Create your own” and “Help” buttons on for TakeAways but maybe is just a setting I missed setting up .
I did not see the usual “Install” button that other PWAs have, but I’m unsure if this is expected for all PWAs or not, from my complete ignorance on the subject:
Currently I’m using the clever save and export into Gitlab Pages from @boris for personal notes, which allows leveraging the private gitlab pages feature to put a barrier to the Wiki from the wide internet. It has it’s drawbacks, like having to reload the site between browsers restarts to ensure you are not overwritting your notes, or using loads of space if you do not clear the commits from the repository (I think this is due to the whole HTML being uploaded and it being encripted, currently is using almost 1GB and the wiki only has an small photo tiddler ).
Having the tiddlers auto-update and refresh is almost magical, and looks almost like the dream I have of tiddlywiki commiting just the tiddlers changes/creations/deletions into the chosen SCM for data backup from the hosted static site (Maybe someone already did this and I’m totally unaware ).
Hopefully this helps others to give TiddlyPWA a try as well