Problem with LineNumbers using CodeMirror

Can’t see the line numbers - why?

The is an Option in Control Panel > Settings > CodeMirror > Enable line numbers

Yes, it’s activated…

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But we found an answer for you there?

No, there was no further reaction to my response - see StS


Yes, it’s activated…

Presumably active but not visible? You did not actualy say that.

Have you tried it on a new wiki then if not a general fault start a debug process starting with trying to investigate plugin incompatibility?

Did you save the tiddler and re-open in edit mode. The cm editor has to be re-initialized after config options are changed.

Did you test it at: … It works there for me. If it does not work in your wiki there may be a problem with other plugins

I found the reason:

Changing in $:/ControlPanel -> Advanced -> Editor Type -> text/vnd.tiddlywiki fromcomptext to codemirror will show the line numbers.

Than some Stylesheet has to be done for good look and feel.