New TiddlyWiki Sidebar Resizer

Theoretically it could be fixed by adjusting the styles and adjusting the corresponding template files, but this is hardly scalable and doesn’t work out of the box.

there is its a configuration file. It appears after the default width is edited.

let me try again to leftbar

Excellent work, @oeyoews!

If you’re still interested in supporting alternate layouts, would it be difficult to get the resizer to work with Be Rad Edition? I’m particularly interested in resizing the Utility Panel (width defined by $:/themes/be-rad/Config/UtilityPaneWidth); the left-hand sidebar (as defined by $:/themes/be-rad/Config/MainPaneWidth) is lower-priority to me.

Yes, I prefer this plugin to become a universal plugin for different user scenarios. I plan to expose some parameters and support user customization.


Screenity video - Jan 20, 2024 (1)

resizer plugin has support leftbar(check readme)

Is it the width here?

Now resizer widget supports some parameters, maybe you can imitate the usage of leftbar with resizer

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It works! Thank you so much!

Yes, that’s correct.

Where is the current release of sizebar resizer. Links in this topic I followed do not have it and the github link is dead?

  • Editing the top post of this topic to point to the source would help.

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Thanks but I get from my Internet provider

Your connection is not private



I can request “Request blocked page removal” but not sure If I should.

I would be happy to package it and host it on one of my tiddlyhost sites.

This plugin is available on cpl


Hi @oeyoews, you certainly read about @BurningTreeC 's new flexbox Layout:

Could you two make your plugins work together? I checked that the flex sidebar also would work with absolute values

Greetings Jan

Yeah, it looks like he’s getting a lot of attention, I haven’t looked at him closely yet. It doesn’t seem to have stabilized yet.

Perhaps you could contact, to get a fix joint between the projects…

I remember that the last plug-in update supported user-defined parameters, which makes it more flexible to adapt to more different layouts, but direct built-in support is the best option, and it can be used out of the box.

[Due to quote, this post had landed in the wrong topic. I moved it here:]