New TiddlyWiki Sidebar Resizer

website has updated.

whitespace have some layout UI problem bugs, I think there might be something missing for whitespace theme.

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maybe is tiddlywiki version, whitespace just for 5.1.17 and 5.1.22. so this ui bug need fixed for latest tiddlywiki version

Are you able to resize the sidebar in the demo-wiki ? I couldn’t.
I don’t see the bug shown in the screenshot in my wiki. My wiki is using 5.3.2 pre-release…may be because I am using a modified version of the sidebar template.

demo site?

Ya, there are some issues with whitespace theme sidebar. I don’t think its worth enough to tinker with whitespace theme more since its no longer actively maintained.

Can the resizer be made compatible with magic sidebar in tiddlywiki XP ? TiddlyWiki xp — A chance to experience TiddlyWiki very quickly

Is there any problem? I think the current plugin is also suitable for xp

When the sidebar is pulled down, this widget is displayed incomplete. Is there a good solution for this?


Please tell me how to modify this $:/xp/ui/PageTemplate/leftsidebar so that it can also be applied to the left sidebar of xp?

How to change color style?

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leftbar does not have a configuration file for adjusting the width. It is probably written directly in the style. It is not a real sidebar. Maybe you can ask the author of leftbar

Theoretically it could be fixed by adjusting the styles and adjusting the corresponding template files, but this is hardly scalable and doesn’t work out of the box.

there is its a configuration file. It appears after the default width is edited.

let me try again to leftbar

Excellent work, @oeyoews!

If you’re still interested in supporting alternate layouts, would it be difficult to get the resizer to work with Be Rad Edition? I’m particularly interested in resizing the Utility Panel (width defined by $:/themes/be-rad/Config/UtilityPaneWidth); the left-hand sidebar (as defined by $:/themes/be-rad/Config/MainPaneWidth) is lower-priority to me.

Yes, I prefer this plugin to become a universal plugin for different user scenarios. I plan to expose some parameters and support user customization.


Screenity video - Jan 20, 2024 (1)

resizer plugin has support leftbar(check readme)

Is it the width here?

Now resizer widget supports some parameters, maybe you can imitate the usage of leftbar with resizer

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It works! Thank you so much!

Yes, that’s correct.