Along the lines of an ideal tailored 'starter TiddlyWiki" and thinking “Blue Sky” then what about a page where a newbie goes to download their starter TiddlyWiki.
A screen with sliders or tick boxes to select options.
Each option to have a link that opens a new window / pop up that explains briefly to a newbie what this option is all about so they can decide if they want it.
Option: Automatic Bi directional Linking ( recommended ).
Description: When you create a link from Tiddler A to Tiddler B then Tiddler B will contain in it’s footer an automatically created link back to Tiddler A This provides two way or bi-directional linking with only half the work. Includes smart features, if you delete Tiddler A then the link that was automatically placed in the footer of tiddler B will be removed saving you the task of tidying up.
So a series of option switches to select what plugins and features will be pre-installed in the ‘starter Tiddlywiki’ with nicely documented information to ease the decision making process.
But then a number of options to pre-populate the Tiddlywiki with a few Tiddlers along a certain subject theme so that the newbie can see some tags and links that have already been set up, an explanation that these tiddlers and associated tags can be easily deleted once they are no longer required.
Simple example wikis containing perhaps a few tens of content tiddlers might be
- Film Wiki - plot, rating, principle actors including photos, remakes and so on.
- Places to visit in Paris
- etc
Also an option to preload the ‘starter Tiddlywiki’ with help tiddlers each explaining a certain feature or how to do, examples - how to set up a link, import and display images, embed video, create a tag, delete a tiddler, print a tiddler etc…The help tiddlers might have a tag “help” so that they can be selected easily.
So straight off the newbie gets a preloaded Tiddlywiki with plugins and some tiddlers that they can mess around with and pull apart before eventually deleting them and replacing with their own stuff, perhaps noticing for themselves that tags magically disappear when no longer required. If they mess up then no problem just repeat the same settings on the download page and start afresh.
Just thoughts summed up by “a user configurable starter pack” nicely presented with enough information to make decisions and easy repeat if the learning process ends up compromising the TiddlyWiki.