Any new GTD plug ins available other than GSD5, Cardo and Projectify

You should probably check out @EricShulman 's TiddlyTools. Check under the Packages tab > Time. As you’ll see, he is the definitive expert on all things that tick and, who knows, maybe he’d even be willing to take on ticklers if nothing there is close enough…

@Alfonso Thanks for the detailed reply. Your inputs are valuable since it’s coming from a long time user. I am experimenting with all those above mentioned plug ins currently. Do share if you are able to create a version similar to mgsd based on gsd5.

Have you seen this? There is no packaged plug in I guess. But there are ways to use the files available. Also it was updated years back.

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Thanks for sharing. Didn’t see this. Will take a look.

I am not so familiar with the term “tickler” but my own custom GTD solutions make use of the list widget to identify tiddlers that need attention. I am continuing to innovate how to handle reoccurring and periodical items.

  • My example here illustrates why I need not depend on plugins or editions for GTD

My current method is a generic touch-date (with timestamp=no) on tiddlers, but if the tiddler has a weekly tag, an indicator on the tiddler and/or a list will list items with a touch date more than 7 days old. When done click to stamp the touch date now.

  • Advantages one, date field for multiple periods
  • One button to touch
  • If a tiddler is touched due to a weekly activity, then it has also being touched for the monthly period, or monthly in the quarter.
  • The touch date is simply a now stamp and indicates exactly when it was done.
  • Its trivial to log every touch to a data tiddler, with the touch date/time the key and tiddler name as the value.

I have a proof of concept where just opening the tiddler will set the touch-date, or perhaps a view-date.

I started exploring recurring items in GSD5, which could be used as a “tickler” system. You can read about that in this thread.


Can you show a small example in tiddlyhost.

@arunnbabu81 please reply to peoples posts or @ mention them so we know who you are asking or replying to. Use the reply on their post not at the bottom.


@TW_Tones that was by mistake I guess. I was asking @Tiddlybob regarding an small demo of the ticklers he was using.

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I didn’t understand your reply fully, but I am interested in seeing how it works because I already use one of your tweak for Journal tiddlers (with journal-date field) and it was indeed a good tweak. A demo wiki might be a good to see it in action.

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Sure. It is very rough around the edges, but here it is:

Let me know if you have any questions,

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It looks promising. I did my testing in mobile only. I will give more feedback after more testing in desktop.

I think the update recurrence frequency buttons can be placed in actions dashboard also.

Another thing I noticed is that actions in gsd5 in not having a due date selector like cardo or projectify.

The best possible GTD system will be a GSD5 basewith actions and projects having the UI of projectify todos and projects, and a kanban board like Tekan. But that integration will be a big job. May be some features can be cherry picked from projectify and Tekan to be added to the GSD5 base.

I agree the perfect system would be GSD5 combined with Projectify. It would be a lot of work though. I started working on the recurrence functionality to see if I could replace my current system than I was using (, but I decided to shelve it for now. It’s fine on desktop, but there’s just too much friction on mobile.

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I was going to start creating a NGSD (never getting stuff done) solution but i never did. Does this mean i succeeded?

The Procrastinator’s Club meeting was re-scheduled to next month.

The Apathy Club meeting was cancelled due to lack of interest.

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5 posts were split to a new topic: How to download a wiki from TiddlyHost?


You don’t need due dates for actions in mGSD. Write your task or to-do item in the action template, including your context/metadata/assigned-to/ and any other “tag” you may want to add. When you are ready to add a due date, convert your action to a tickler and that’s it. All the tags are kept intact in the tiddler, so you can convert the ticklers bact to an action with one click.

I am not fond of Projectify, mainly because of its interface: It occupies too much of precious visual space.

I am not fond of Kanban/Tekkan/Trello either. It is very powerful though too fancy and distracting for managing projects.

The best GTD system still is mGSD, and GSD5 could be its replacement with an effective tickler system…

Thank you @TW_Tones for the reply.

I used this method mentioned by @twMat - which seems like the easiest way for downloading tiddlyhost sites - especially since mGSD in TW classic based.

I have started using GSD5. Will need some more usage to assess my needs. Will ask for your help if I find some difficulty.

Regarding ticklers, since I haven’t used mGSD much, I dont know how it works. Now that I have downloaded a copy mGSD, I will check how it works. The method suggested by @Tiddlybob for ticklers does work. Again I havent compared it with ticklers in mGSD. May be we can ask Roma Hicks to add tickler functionality to GSD5 in GitLab. Another problem with using mGSD is that it is based on TW Classic which I haven’t used till now. But definetely I will test it out.

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I have made a test wiki for the GSD5 ticklers here. You can drag and drop the gsd5 tickler plug from this wiki. I am starting to do more testing of gsd5.

Now with the addition of ticklers, is GSD5 almost similar to mGSD in functionality. Is there any missing functions. Is the the GSD5 ticklers similar to the one in mGSD?