Advanced Search in Fields Plugin: New Updates


Nice work! Thanks @Mohammad

The fields initial unselected after each wiki start.
Is it possible to have an option in $:/plugins/kookma/search/ui/ControlPanel/Settings to predefine selected fields?


But you said…

I thought you meant YOU were truncating it… but you actually were saying the title attr is automatically truncating it for you.

No problem. Use CSS to truncate it.

I think that is right AND wrong. The “two step” approach in it (1- establish ‘scope’ in normal filter; 2 - concentrate on “RAW” regexp next) is particularly interesting and relevant to actual usage. Why? By simplifying the approach to filters via two stages it really helps end use cases.

The “over engineered” partly relates to the fact that once you have the listing you could go many ways and actually it is not so clear who needs what.

FYI, most of the the time I need nothing more than the listing. Other times I’d like to “click and directly edit”, not have to segue to launch a tiddler, open it for editing, save it, close it, to get back.

TBH, I think this is maybe really for a separate discussion of “how to invoke editing?”


The SearchersWe’ll find them in the end, I promise you …

SUGGESTION: Add button to copy Search Scope to Advanced Search > Filter

Regarding the Search Scope there is no error checking. For instance it accepts this illegal filter …

IMO you should ADD a button to be able to transfer the “Search Scope” string to the Advanced Search > Filter, then navigate to it, so it can be tested!


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Yes, it is possible, Search uses temp tiddlers which are not saved by default on node.js version of TW.
To overcome this and keep the session settings, open the definition ($:/plugins/kookma/search/macros/definition )tiddler and change sFieldsTid to something else like $:/settings/search/selected-fields

Yes it works, it shows the text field, but goes offscreen!
By the way when I am talking about tooltip/popoup it means you cannot predict what user will have or what does!

As @saqimtiaz stated in another post this needs JS to handle the popup, tooltip correctly!
For now I decided to not use the live preview!

I will work on this to check the validity of search scope filter, for example by producing at least one output!

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Right I think. It is a broader issue that needs be solved first for reliable solutions to be possible.

Just a comment

That’s true. Also true, I never once mentioned popups. My proposal (above) and my solution (other thread) solves the problem without use of

  • popups
  • JavaScript
  • AND it truncates the output to keep it contained

Popups have no part to play and are not part of this subthread of discussion. Nor does the solution deal with touchscreens, previously dismissed by @pmario (rightly).

Sorry, but I’m finding it really hard to follow your train of thought. :confused: I’ll back off now.

Right. But I think @Mohammad was/is in popup mode?

Just a side-note caro

If you’re saying his head is in popup mode, well, I can’t fix that :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: It feels like bait and switch sitting here. I’m sure that’s not what he’s trying to do, but that’s how it feels (ooh, feelings on a tech forum, whatever next!)

If you’re saying his UI is presented in a popup, that shouldn’t matter one jot. The CSS can be adjusted easily to constrain the output accordingly.

Good! I think some check is worth it since the rest of the system depends on it being accurate?

Just a comment

I believe he has gone @saqimtiaz, with some validity IMO, that popups in TW need a JS salve yet to be fully adaptable.

You may hit my whicket if I’m off caro.

What I was looking is showing field value in a tooltip (it is subclass of popup windows). To be clear on what I am talking (a tooltip) see below:

A ToolTip is a small pop-up window that appears when a user pauses the mouse pointer over an element; the Popup control provides a way to display content in a separate window that floats over the current application window relative to a designated element or screen coordinate.

Just to clear this: I know displaying extra information in tabular format, or show side by side using hidden elements or similar! They are not what I talked about nor what I am looking for! I said using tooltip to show field value!

As per pervious discussions (several times in forum or GitHub) Tiddlywiki cannot handle tooltips/popups as it should! This is a wider problem I was encountered first in Refnotes plugin! So, for now it is better to not go for tooltips/popups window or whatever it is called!

Thank you all!

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Thanks, works fine.

Is it also possible to predefine the table view as default?


Look at Definition tiddler as I explained above

The setting is stored in $:/temp/search-in-fields/option
you can use another tiddler like $:/keepstate/search-in-fields/option or any other name not prefixed with $:/temp, $:/state to keep the configuration between session

NOTE: It seems you like to keep the options between sessions, you can use proper tiddlers as explained above to be saved when you close the current session.

@Mohammad Perfect! - Thanks a lot.

SUGGESTION: The Tool Needs Its Own Temporary Tiddler?

Ciao @Mohammad v 0.7 stiil has the issue that the temporary tiddler for the search string is shared with Advanced Search (i.e. $:/temp/advancedsearch/input). I think that is a mistake because the approach in Search in Fields uses a filtering method that is largely INcompatible with Advanced Search. It adds confusion to have, for instance, a raw regex string turn up in normal Advanced Search!

IMO it would be better that Advanced Search in Fields had its own temporary tiddler for the current search pattern???

Just a thought