A multi-column Layout / Storyview


You “get rid of it” by removing the tag “$:/tags/TopToolbar” from it.


You mean this …?

That is gonna be there in VERTICAL mode Screenshot 2022-06-19 105831

We could gently ask @BurningTreeC to remove it, but I don’t see it as a problem. It is there to help identify the columns.

It is not present in HORIZONTAL mode Screenshot 2022-06-19 110030


Hi all,

sorry I was away from the forum for some time
I’ll try to catch up with the questions made here and answer asap

Best wishes,


Don’t feel any obligation. I do understand you have a day-job.



Two observations after daily usage of MCL

  1. Search results from Command palette search or the search in the github topbar doesn’t open in a new column if we shift+click the search result.
  2. I tried adding the StoryTopTabs plug in by BJ into an MCL wiki, But it was not working. Any idea why?
    These two must be the tiddler concrened -
    BJ Tools — a collection of TW related projects
    BJ Tools — a collection of TW related projects
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@BurningTreeC How to adapt this Jump macro to work with multicoulmn. It would be a good addition for easier navigation within each coulmns.

Sorry tiddlywikians,

I was away, producing some music
I will catch up with this thread soon :slight_smile:

Best wishes,

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Interesting! Were you composing as well as producing? Just wondering.
It is well done.


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I do now, finally, have a kind of draft documentation for MCL. I’ll publish it when I know you are back, 'cause I wrote it mainly for you :slight_smile:

Best, TT

Right. To phrase that another way …

How do you link to a tiddler in Another Column?

Just a comment

Here was my low-tech solution for wide monitor: https://tiddlywiki-split-view-plugin.tiddlyhost.com/


Thank you @TiddlyTweeter ,
I was composing, singing and playing it … so I call it producing ^^

Thank you for creating a draft documentation!
I’m back on my Linux machine working on MCL at the moment

best wishes,


It is very well done! IF you ever did it again then I’d suggest “live rowing” on that sublime mountain lake, rather than a still image. :smiley:


This is a really nice slimmed down version.

I think I’ll also use this, while MCL is impressive, it’s a bit too feature rich for me.

I found this snipped of code a while back that I think your double tiddler view might benefit from

	.tc-tiddler-body, .tc-edit-texteditor, .tc-tiddler-preview-preview {
		max-height: {{$:/config/TextEditor/EditorHeight/Height}}; 
		overflow-y: scroll !important; 

You can change the length of the tiddlers by editting the editor height in the texteditor!

Edit: also, when not using a scrollbar, you can use this to remove the little white box that appears for longer tiddlers.

	::-webkit-scrollbar-corner { /* white box fix */
		background-color: transparent !important;

@ahanniga I like your split view plugin. It’s very lightweight and easy to use.

One question, would it be possible to change it slightly such that I have the capabilty of switching between normal and switched views without causing the save button to turn “dirty” or red? Maybe with the use of state tiddlers. Just curious. Thanks.

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Sorry Justin I missed this message!

Will give it a try - thanks.

Good question @HistoryBuff

It depends on whether you want current the state saved or not. When you toggle the button, it adds/removes a $:/tags/Stylesheet tag to the css tiddler $:/plugins/ahanniga/storyriver/css. The tag switches on/off the CSS that splits the view.

Altering the tiddler flags it as dirty and shows the wiki needing a save.

Cheers, Aidan

Thanks for the response.

Ok, that makes sense. Supposing I didn’t want to save the configuration unless I explicitly hit the save button (like what happens when state tiddlers change), what changes would be necessary to your plugin to make this happen? I ask because I can see situations where I would switch layouts back and forth dependning on what I’m doing. In this case, I’d like to be able to exit without it asking me whether I should save or not because I may not be sure of what other changes may have occurred.

Hi @HistoryBuff I’ve updated the plugin so that if no changes are pending, then toggling the view will not itself set the “dirty” status. Let me know if any issues, thanks.

Ah! Thanks, so far it works perfectly! You are a gentleman and a scholar, sir! Even works with reordering. Amazing!

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