A multi-column Layout / Storyview (new Thread)

Hi there,

let’s use this new thread to gather all ideas, bug-reports, feature requests … for the Multi-Column Layout


Thank you in advance for your posts
Let’s make MCL better together

Kind regards,


Welcome back @BurningTreeC

I am reposting my feedback from the old thread here,

  1. Shift clicking on search results from command palette or default search doesn’t open the tiddlers in the next column.
  2. In full-screen mode of a tiddler, invoke command palette and click on search result - newly opened tiddler becomes visible only after we come out of the fullscreen mode.
  3. Ability to use filters for story field of ensemble tiddler as discussed here - 1 and 2.
  4. Emptystory message doesn’t seem to work with ensemble as discussed here
  5. Shift click on clone button shall open the new tiddler in next column - anyway to do it.
  6. If possible make jump macro compatible with MCL as discussed here. Or if you can give some guidance, I can try to tweak that macro for my use.
  7. Can the second sidebar also be made adaptable to the story river. I use JD’s whitespace sidebar as my second sidebar which doesn’t get adaptable like the main sidebar.
  8. Close-all button variant to close all tiddlers in all columns.
  9. Modularise MCL with subplug ins like ensemble, keyboard shortcuts, topbar etc to keep the main plug in as bare minimum…let user decide which subplug ins to install…may be even start BTC plug in library for easy installation of subplug ins.

Hi @arunnbabu81

  1. That’s something the command palette plugin has to solve, I cannot do anything about that
  2. Same as 1
  3. That’s an idea, I’ll think about it
  4. How should the empty-story message work with the ensemble?
  5. Ok yes, that’s a reasonable idea. I’ll see if that’s doable
  6. I have to have a look what the jump macro does. I believe MCL needs its own implementation
  7. That will be veeeeery difficult if not impossible. I will experiment
  8. Yeah, I will add that
  9. Good idea. I will think about it and let you all know


Thank you @BurningTreeC

  1. For links opened from the sidebar, this same behavior is seen. Command palette related issue i will ask in CP github repo.
  2. I use emptystorymessage as discussed here. It doesnt seem to work with MCL.
  3. Jump macro may help in in-column navigation.
  4. Is not an absolute necessity. Just that it will be nice addition.
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I can’t follow how the empty story message should work

Look at these two demo wiki

  1. With MCL…MW43
  2. Without MCL…My TiddlyWiki — a non-linear personal web notebook

Click on the close all page control button of both wikis.

It behaves differently

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I cannot decide whether the close-all button should close all tiddlers within a single column or all tiddlers in all columns…

In practice I found that only closing in one column suits my uses well.

It maybe depends on the nature of the application which closing method is appropriate?

Just a comment, TT

Ok, so it may be a configurable close-all button

Ensemble Request … add a wiki save after …

Could the ensemble saver be enhanced such that when you Save an Ensemble it auto-triggers a Wiki-Save?

Because it is easy to forget to save the wiki after saving an Ensemble. If you then switch ensembles the changes you just made in the ensemble are lost.

Ciao, TT

Yes that’s a good idea, I’ll implement that

Ensemble Form Request – Load & Persist Values?

I’ve asked about this before,and I’m still wondering if it’s possible.

Why? Ensembles have up to 5 settings. At the moment when you save an Ensemble it clears its fields. In practice, for me, this causes an issue in that if I want to save it again I have to remember and type in all the information again!

My suggestion is that when you load an Ensemble the Ensemble form is populated by its current settings. In other words the values persist and make saving an Ensemble easier?

Just wondering
Best, TT

Yes, I also think that these settings should persist.

I think it is possible to close all tiddlers in individual columns using the default close all page control button if we select a particular column by clicking…so it would be better to have a button which can close all tiddlers in all columns

Ensemble In-Line Loader Macro, request - Activate an Ensemble From normal Tiddlers.

I did ask about this idea before. Why?

One of the great things with MCL is you can quickly change what is loaded and how it looks!

I just wondering of we could have a macro that in-line in a Tiddler could load an ensemble — something like: <<ensemble "my-other-ensemble">> ?

Just a thought!
Best, TT

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Yes, that’s doable. I’ll put it on my list

Query on Palette Setting …

Ciao caro, one thing I wondered was whether it is possible to set specific palettes for different ensembles?

In my use cases it could be useful as colour is a simple way to indicate you are in a different part of the wiki.

Just a thought

Yes, another good idea. Thank you!

Maybe a Plugin Library For MCL & Toolbar plugin would be good?

Ciao BTC,

This is a more general request—maybe for the longer term?
Plugin Libraries make a lot of sense in making installation quicker, easier and updateable.

I did think that a Plugin Library containing, at least “MCL” & the optional “MCL Toolbar” could be good?

Just a thought

Yes, I’ll create such a plugin library when the plugin(s) are done

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