I’ve been using WebDAV for several months now and it works great for me.
I’m using the rclone utility found at rclone dot org. It is a swiss army knife of syncing local and cloud storage files. It is packed with features (not always a good thing). I like that it is a single file executable that I can just download and run on many platforms including windows, linux and mac.
The rclone serve webdav command has lots of options, but running it can be as simple as:
rclone serve webdav some_directory_containing_tiddlywiki_files
Then point your browser at localhost:8080 and you will see a list of files in that directory. The brilliant code in the webdav saver doesn’t need any special configuration in your tiddlywiki file. It will automatically detect webdav is supported by the server you loaded from and save it back.
With any single file solution, I highly recommend a reliable backup solution. If any blip happens during saving, the entire file can be corrupted.
For that I’m using entr(1) (not available on windows) to trigger an automatic, local git commit whenever my wiki file changes.
I’m using just a single wiki currently (ftlist.html below). I’m using something similar to this crude shell script:
# Launch webdav server as background process
rclone serve webdav ~/Dropbox/ftlist &
# Watch for changes, display the changes, and commit the changes to git
cd ~/Dropbox/ftlist
echo ftlist.html | entr -s '
git --no-pager diff -U1 .
git commit -m "$(date +%Y-%m-%d) tw ftlist autocommit" ftlist.html