Upgrading TW quickly

Just some tips on how to effectively use the TW upgrade service:

First, note that in Chrome and likely some other browsers, you see the downloaded files like so:

I suspect that not everyone knows this is a drag’n droppable file!

…so you flip over to the upgrader and do this:


Better yet:

Include this tiddler:

title: upgrader
tags: $:/tags/ControlPanel/Saving
<iframe src="https://tiddlywiki.com/upgrade" width="100%" height="440" frameborder="0"></iframe>

i.e an iframe to the upgrade page, put in the Controlpanel.

…so after download I just DnD like mentioned into the iframed upgrader (red):

If you use the savers available in TillyWikis Ctrlpanel:

The blue in the picture is a further convenience. It can probably be for any upload saver you use, but for me it is for Tiddlyhost saving, i.e: If you look under *Ctrlpanel > Tiddlyspot Saver * you see the field Server URL. The blue contains this same editor and a button to empty the field and a button to paste in the {{$:/info/url/full}} value, i.e the url of the current wiki.


Wow, the iframe upgrade tiddler is a great idea. Thanks for sharing!

@twMat I though the reason to split this to a separate topic was to show how to also upgrade tiddlyhost wikis.

Do you know how and can we add it here?

Perhaps also making the topic title a little more detailed?
eg Upgrading TW quickly with an iFrame

@TW_Tones - I don’t recall “how to upgrade TH wikis” was the reason for this thread (?) but, sure, it would be neat if that could be easily accomplished too. Unfortunately I don’t have any great shortcuts for that.

IMO, upgrading wikis should probably be a TH system feature (@simon ). Currently, one has to - in the “Your sites” page - “download”, then do the usual local wiki upload shenanigans, and then “upload”. I don’t know how else to do it.

(I just tested the above mentioned iframe solution from within TH but it resulted in a crashed wiki and, besides, it takes quite a few steps because in order to download the TW wiki when you’re looking at it, you need to first prevent the save button from saving to TH (basically: go into Ctrlpanel > Saving > Tiddlyspot saver and remove the “Server URL”) …only to manually add it later to activate the local save button again.)

Tones, your question triggered me to post this question in the gh forum. Do chime in there if you have thoughts.

@twMat FYI there’s an easier way to download; you can either append /download to your site’s url, or use the Download option from the site’s action menu.

Ps, I wrote up some notes on how to upgrade, see Upgrading your site to the latest version of TiddlyWiki · simonbaird/tiddlyhost Wiki · GitHub . Feedback or suggestions on those docs are welcome.

Pps, I do like the idea of having a one click “Upgrade” button in Tiddlyhost, but I think it would be difficult to handle edge cases like plugin breakages etc, so I don’t have plans to implement it any time soon.

I found using the download, upgrade, upload from the list of sites the best way. Similar to my prior tips.

Thanks, I did not know that. Interestingly the browser alerts about leaving the page but it only presents the download dialogue, allowing you to save, and then it does not reload the page. Good!
But a permanent link in a tiddler for this, like so:
<a href={{{ [{$:/info/url/full}append[/download]] }}}>x</a>
does not work as it does reload the page.
Anyone has ideas how to prevent this?

That’s the route I mentioned already, right? (Otherwise, what do you mean with “site’s action menu”?)

Because of its many steps, I’d propose a quick initial overview. Something like

“These steps will describe how to upgrade the wiki. In short, you will download a copy of your wiki, upgrade this local copy using the standard TW upgrading site, and finally upload this to overwrite your Tiddlyhost site.”

This gives a “mental map” of what is happening in the detailed steps thereafter.

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Good suggestion. I updated Upgrading your site to the latest version of TiddlyWiki · simonbaird/tiddlyhost Wiki · GitHub to add an overview section.

Ps, the “action menu” is the menu you get by clicking the “…” on the sites list.