TZK: One of the Best Zettelkasten Editions of TiddlyWiki

From repo:

tzk (TiddlyZettelKasten ) is a TiddlyWiki edition and associated CLI for maintaining personal notes in something approaching the Zettelkasten method. It’s updated periodically from whatever tooling I’m currently using in my own Zettelkasten. As such, it’s currently considered alpha-quality; while it ought to be very stable and there’s no meaningful risk of data loss, updating to a newer version might be difficult and I’m unlikely to accept patches unless they’re something I want in my own Zettelkasten. This is intended primarily as a nice starting platform on which to build your own tooling.


In my opinion for professional note taking, ZTK is among the best starter kit!
I would definitely recommend it for people who like a ready to go full featured App.


@Mohammad : ZTK is definitely a great starting point and I learned a lot from using it. Your Mehregan system has incorporated some of its better abilities as well as other capabilities from your large library of tools. For example the use of SmartTabs and your versionsof TiddlyTables by Chris A.

Lately, I’ve found myself slowly adding personalized SmartTabs since I, as a user, often want to focus on a particular Root tiddler for a Topic that acts as a Head or even a subordinate Node in a Topic Tree. This becomes relatively easy within your design.

SmartTabs are quite useful to me. Given that and the increased sharing of editions and plugins that I am seeing, I wonder if you have given any though to how SmartTabs could be shared effectively and efficiently. My initial thoughts are that they could be bundled as plugins but that is just my first inclination that I have not yet tested.

Thank you very much for all of your contributions to the Community.



Right & right.

As a social scientist I always been fascinated by the power of Zettlekasten that goes back to 1640. And, essentially, later, became a super-model that eventually fed into the basis of text-data-control in software.

But it was Niklas Luhmann, German sociologist, who really turned me on to them. Of course, Luhmann’s Zettlekasten were purely manual card indices.

One of the things still interesting about the “Luhmann Approach” was it’s IRREVERSIBILITY—you made a card and never ever changed it’s position after.

I do sometimes feel that the infinite flex of modern computer software sometimes obviates the Luhmann imperative to organise it right first time!

In short: laziness. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Just a fun comment!

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Mehregan is built on top of some kookma plugins. Most of functionalities are designed with modular approach in mind.

There is a button there you can click and it add your own, custom smart tab! no need to know what is going behind.

It is possible to break up the code and create smaller plugins, but handling dependencies with current TW design is rather tedious for average users. If Plugin libraries can handle this, it makes sense to do it.

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Hi @Hans_Wobbe
If you interested in using only smart tabs, please see below discussion

Tiddlywiki Tabs Demystified - Tips & Tricks - Talk TW

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@Mohammad Thank you for the link to additional Hints. I am quite committed to the use of SmartTabs. They are (as Named - Smart) and the allow me to explore the thinking that “A single tiddler should be capable of setting and managing a Context (Topic)”

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