Tiddlywiki and the IPFS "Video Wall" Experiment

The discovery of TW, is like a wonderful present.
I realize how thinkable and hack it is

Thanks to “ipfs record plugin” and the help of multi-column them we made a Multimedia TW extendable as community hosted on IPFS :wink:


This experience makes me discover a few things:

1/ I realize that as other “type”, “video/mp4” and _canonical_url doesn’t work. I need to create htlm5 video but “text/vnd.tiddlywiki” type to play it (see tiddlers bypass code)

2/ Tiddlers are created using node.js tiddlywiki (CLI TW), but are not appearing as “recent”, so I use #:[tag[G1CopierYoutube]] inline filter, but this is only applies to 1st column…

3/ I reach the “symetric crypto wall” How to add, extract, modify "tiddlers" from command line? To do IPFS media transfer - #26 by papiche

This 3 column presentation of a “Video TW” was way arranged by hand.

Now I am a bit stuck in front of 2 tracks.

Do I build an external app using exported json, and only keeps TW as a “blockchain engine” or I a way to better control “The TW Shaping” is possible?

Any ideas?

Feel free to contact if you’d like to help or run an “Astroport.ONE” node to start a community hosting swarm together


To be honest, I don’t follow a lot of what you are talking about but it does look exciting;

Given your mention of the “video wall” the Muuri plugin is also like the MCL Multi-column layout, but I have experimented with it, over multiple desktop screens. Perhaps with muuri a large multi-screen video wall would be really useful. Note Muuri can be less structured than MCL.


Great suggestion. Thank you!

It made the same to me before using a cryptographic data management.
This “crypto land” is no more a directory and files structured place, it becomes lost hash in a bitswap, where keys memorize chains (hash+timestamp+signature).

IPFS brings it to network level level and creates a “fluid virtual drive” from all or bunch of running nodes. Actually CDN are using it, but it is a technology for people using ipfs to run away from data-centers, lots are still missing the point.

Compared to “Hard Disk Drive” semantics.
Astroport.ONE creates a kind of “BIOS” for IPFS drive used with a key pair

Port 1234 is redirecting to “Master Boot Record” (ip:port) redirecting to the “Allocation Table” showing files to the “Operating System”. We use TW as allocation table and admin, debug interface to help developing Distributed App above it.

TW automatically benefits of a “collective distributed hosting service”.

From the “alpha stage” login (BIOS) page http://qwantic.com:1234
clic on the link in the “yellow pop” to reach the form creating a new one.
Click on the “next yellow” pop (and refresh as it could take 30s to get ready)

From 2 pass phrase and an email, it generates keypair and permanent ipns address of the TW (only those who have the key installed in their ipfs keystore can modify it)

Hope it helps.

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Given my limited understanding, IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) is similar to Bittorrent in that it is a distributed storage protocol that is designed to interact with blockchains and act as a protocol that can be accessed for serving static files like web pages (html files), images, or video files. Brave browser, for example, allows one to directly access ipfs files. Like Bittorrent the files are broken up and distributed across hosts making them theoretically persistent in the face of shutdowns and censorship since there is no central server. The persistence depends on hosting though, so it’s not as bullet proof as many assume.

So you could store wikis or webpages in this distributed cloud. The wikis can be problematic I think because the files are stored statically, hence AFAIK each update to the wiki would require a new file to be generated. Not as big a deal for TWs served via node maybe but definitely for a frequently updated html TW. Currently it’s mainly used for the images associated with NFTs.

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This does look very interesting. I have a node that I store my own NFTs on but I don’t keep it up all the time since it’s just my personal files.

I don’t think a lot of people realize that the images associated with their NFTs are not persistent if they are only stored on one server like the commercial services most images are stored on.

I bet a service that used tiddlywiki to store and organize information about NFTs along with bringing those hashed files to a distributed set of nodes or even a personal node would be extremely useful and appealing. Esp as the use cases for NFTs expand out past the profile pictures that most people associate with them and into things like identity and contracts.

You’re damned right :wink:

Data loss is the new deal in that p2p cryptoland.

That’s the purpose of Astroport.ONE. Programmed to run a bit swap party at 20H12 everyday to synchronize Ŋ1 network of TWs (based on confidence star exchange between keys and profile within htpps://gchange.fr)

This makes your TW backup by your friends :wink:
And you backup them.

Each new Astroport.ONE Station open TCP/GET ports

  • port 1234 to receive reading/writing API call (RAM)
  • port 12345 is for reading “bootstrap stations official memory” (EEPROM)

API still evolving

Relying on a p2p protocol, makes you need to have a full day running computer to maintain data “alive”. Or ask friends to do so. This involve a private key run delegation on their machine (you have to trust not bad using it).

Some are paying for “pinning” services… And big “key delegation providers” are coming.

We don"t want to share our private keys to any "commercial corporation"

So we decided to organize this service differently. For this, we are not using gambling crypt0 or dept money to build value our exchanges. We use G1 “monnnaie libre” a real outsider. The mathematically proven “best formula” of creating “coins” for a “group of people” living 80 years in average.


I know NFT are the promise to “reward” artists, but being able to maintain that control over digital media needs a 100% crypto land adoption. I suspect the recent "QRCode for a Restaurant’ period we lived in France was an “adapt to what is coming” digital_ID evolution. Not sure.

Astroport.ONE is alpha stage.
We are looking for beta tester and TW wizards (as it is the first operating system booting)

Anyone welcome.

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Astroport API can create a TW from 2 “pass phrase & an email”

This VideoWall TW is now hosted on “libra” from the copylaradio “hosting domain”
It is owned and controled by “fred@astroport.com


Hello @papiche ,
Joining late to this conversation.

Could you explain how I can create my own? (or I can msg you directly if people prefer)

  1. What is the difference between these urls?
    fred@astroport.com — Capsule Interplanétaire Astroport

  2. Can you run down the steps to reproduce?

  • I have a TW.
  • I add a tiddler, with : _canonical_url ? (see picture. can you explain 1,2,3)
  • Tiddler has a 200mb video mp4 stored on IPFS? (How do I upload one?(some faq link for me to learn more)
  • TW renders the video.
  • I use some custom theme to make it 3 rows? (which , where)
  • I host the TW ? where? in different IPFS or?


Hello @lszyba1

This link /ipns/k51qzi5uqu5dgbyodfu8ojvcsbuq9b3x19ufwpb4mar1h6chwt0bkyok1gwmhl addressed through different ipfs gateways.

In order to create and serve TW filled with tiddlers stored in IPFS.

  • You can use “_canonical_uri” for images or pdf.
  • For video, it is restricted to mp4. It uses <video> html5 and “ipfs” field.
  • For website or DApp, <iframe>

To record on IPFS, you need an IPFS daemon API accessible.
It uses “Lightbeam IPFS plugin” to contact it.

In order to Upload to IPFS, create Tiddler, import into TW, publish to IPNS, it is done through bash scripts. As you delegate the use of a “private key” to accomplish this process, and establish “web of trust”. This makes your TW updated by programs using data from the TW’s of your friends. Each IPFS node being part of this mesh storage & sharing network.

I am not sure I respond to your questions.
The code doing it is available on github, it is tested and developed through :heart:BOX OpenCollective cofunding starting a decentralized IPFS co-hosting “swarm of friends”

Now we wish talented people succeed in Adding a new cryptographic library as TW Plugin

Because I did not know what IPFS is I did some research and stumbled upon this video

It is a good start to get a glimpse of understanding what IPFS tries to achieve.

Question: Is my understanding correct that this experiment tries to use TW as a frontend to view IPFS data - capable of smuggling information through censorship borders?

@papiche, I’m late to your party! :-).

It is impressive at: fred@astroport.com — Capsule Interplanétaire Astroport

And useful to see.

One issue … Loading speed on startup.
Maybe unavoidable? Maybe not? Dunno.

Best, TT

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Can you give us (or point us to) a simple tutorial how you get the ipfs videolinks to work so beautifully.
It seems to need more than just the ipfs-plugin (641.6 KB) and the videowall is not so easy to reverse-engineer.


I found out a little more here:

But I still would be happy if someone added a nice howto for IFPS perhaps as a video that is added to this great videowall.

Sorry, i went abroad, and spend time coding for a while :wink:

Yes. Exactly.
Everyone publish from localhost and data are replicated through us

This depends on gateways… For now, public ones… The best architecture would be if anyone host an ipfs gateway. In “LAN condition”, it is really fast. In WAN conditions, stations have to share the same “boostrap list” (that can be dynamic too)… Speed should come with users :wink:

Astroport.ONE consists on ipfs and localhost API, served through netcat, launching CLI command line tools to manipulate tiddlywiki and ipfs keys in sync… It works pretty well (this one hosts more than 100GB)
It has not been so well documented.

@JanJo or anyone curious, we can arrange a call to show how it works and how to install it on your station.

Salut @papiche ,
avec plaisir - for me it would fit best after the easter-days.
I will have more ressources for brainconsming work then.
In what medium would you do the call?

OK, just send me a message when you want.

I like to use

:pray:Merci, chouette.

What about Tuesday evening, 20:00?
You post the url for others to join?

Next Tuesday would be fine, but 20:00 ?
I am in France. Et @JanJo aussi ?

:video_camera: cocoding Meeting Point

Juste a coté a Hamburg. It is also central European time.

OK, “rendez-vous”

How to host and publish multimedia TW on IPFS
(and use it in the “Ŋ1 network” to build “Web Of Trust” issued App)

Tomorrow 20:00 at the Visio Room

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