The essential editions of TiddlyWiki

Just as I/we are working on Make TiddlyWiki your own - discussion which would be an ideal inclusion in Wikis.

So would a generic guide for using tiddlywiki, just a basics of getting around. Some nice ones existed in the Past, but a sharable guide we collaborate on for inclusion in published wikis makes a lot of sense. Perhaps as a plugin so updates can be retrieved, and an extensible custom component for each editions designer to supplement.

  • Navigation
  • Creation
  • Organisation
  • WikiText or WYSIWYG

Here I would also like to nominate a WYSISWYG edition as discussed and in Progress by @linonetwo as for many new users to realise the value of Wiki Mark-up is is not the first thing they will do, with content people think of documents with rich text and WYSIWYG first. As a long as they can generate HTML and Edit in TiddlyWiki’s it stays true to what tiddlywiki seems to be.

I have edited the last reply to include a link to a new discussion on A generic guide for using tiddlywiki? please contribute if you have ideas or content.

The idea is to make it for optional inclusion in any Wiki edition, especially the “Essential editions” raised here to help getting started.

Selective extraction from and other resources is fine.

The style is from the organization that the document is to be submitted; college, instructor, forum, or publisher.

A common style difference is footnotes vs hyperlinks. If the writing is to be published on the web most publishers favor hyperlinks. When is an instructor or paper magazine they generally want footnotes. TiddlyWiki, from the same content can produce/export hyperlinks and/or footnotes by using templates. Saving on a lot of ‘style’ grind work when submitting to multiple publishers.

I don’t really have any style preference. I try to follow the style other people have submitted. This Discord has a more free style. When writing software instructions I tend to be more formal, terse and precise.

I question if warrants to being an edition or better served as a plugin?

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Whenever a solution can be packaged as a bundle or plugin this is preferred especially is it can be added to any TiddlyWiki, because this allows the interchange of features and their application where ever needed.

  • Carful design helps and solution be applied when and where needed while allowing other solutions also.
  • Allowing tiddlers to be selectively/conditionally targeted or settings to be changed to alter appearance, operation or visibility helps with modularity and compatibility.

About Editions

However Editions make a lot of sense when developing a meta-solution that involves multiple customisations, plugins and macro’s. Basically we are talking about pre-packaged solutions where the install and configuration work is already done.

  • One way to identify when an “edition” is of use is when you are inclined to copy a whole wiki to start a new one.
  • Editions capture knowledge of multiple plugins and techniques to achieve particular results outside of any individual feature.
  • In my view the number of editions could be unlimited, however as per this thread “Essential editions” are a subset of possible editions that a lot of people would be interested in, and have a clear and well defined function.
  • Another approach that Editions offer we have not really explored is where a suite of features are packaged and the experienced user, or good internal documentation, allows the user of the edition to customise, remove from and add to their own copy.
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I suggest adding to the list a “Tabletop” or “Dungeon Master” edition :slight_smile: That way players are also included.

FYI: Links above updated to tyhe new Topic for a particular Edition Essential Editions: Personal Notebook edition - development and feedback

I hope to use this as an example of what is possible and call on the community for input.

What if we give each Edition a custom plugin library of selected plugins/add ons?

  • What do you think?
  • What could we include in such a library?
  • How do we manage updates from the publisher?
  • Would they only be versions tested against the edition?

My First edition Personal Notebook has multiple libraries installed.

Quick answer. Not thought through fully.

I think what you pointing at is a potential systematic approach to edition making???

I do think that maintenance is a basic issue in all this.

I’m not convinced, yet, about how many “devs” want to create that much effort to deal with?

I am in no way against the idea. But in actual end-usage for universal use cross-platform/browser variants, it looks like some ongoing maintenance work would be needed for it to work properly long-term … :smiley: !

Just a comment, TT

More positively the Plugin Library system of TW is excellent and could support your aims?


It is the library mechanisium I mean. With supporting tools, its enthusiasts, possibly subject matter experts would be the designers not only devs.

The idea is actualy to reduce maintanence by delegating plugin installs and updates more towards the edition user. Look at my current POC and imagin the optional plugins selected by the edition designer remaind only those that are working withbthe edition. Or the libraries used to get the latest published.

Let’s take an example.

Say I made a Screenplay tool in TW. I share it but then other users have a zillion issues on it’s cross-browser behaviour. Am I bound to solve issues nothing to do with my use case?

To get to the point: Your model needs, I think, maybe, thoughts about on-going support provision?

Saying a mechanism exists for it is different than provision of it???

Just a comment, TT

I know (think) that @pmario, despite having made incredible tools for TW is (rightly) reluctant to get into full-on 24/7 support.

The somewhat veiled side of your intent on “editions”, must, shirley, imply on-going support to be viable??

Just a comment, TT

I see. We also have another problem. How do the new user find available editions. Community Editions . Several of the links do not work. Cardo, Drift and TiddlyResearch.

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If an edition is popular it would be fine to seek community help. If a private edition we can leave that to the Designer but it is fine to set the level of expectation for support as designer.

In a perfect world they would have support and guarantees but this is free and open source.

But you raise a valid issue which we could consider more.

The issue with “open source” is it is free. In the sense that the creator gives it away.

But do you want spend the rest of your life supporting something you gave away for nothing?

My point: how will you get an income from all this?

Just a comment

IMO open source is free like in “free speech” and not like in “free beer”.

Ha! Brilliant!

But how would you make a living from starting with it?


@TiddlyTweeter Support , add-ons, fitting it for a purpose - offer cloud solution, content. Writing book or booklets about how to etc. Teaching.
You will often see - some free offeriings, a little more - for higher price - and a deluxe solution.

It depends on the software and the license.
You can find lots of examples searching your question. Also youtube has lots about the subject.

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@Birthe has foreshadowed the possibilities and I have being thinking about it for some time as I currently have no income. Add implementing as an enterprise version or accept commissions for branding and adding bespoke features.

However I am not sure you are obliged to support a free edition, although one may endeavour to I don’t think you must. TiddlyWiki in particular has a lot of supporting documentation and as long as it contains enough info for educated self support you are not giving someone a liability to use.

We could include a tool to export content to csv as an exit strategy like google does.

Could it be an idea to create something for the rising amount of people working freelance. There must be some common ground, or? When starting up, not many will be able to afford the products from the big companies.

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