Tabler UI for TW Interface

@Justin_H @Mohammad @TiddlyTweeter @boris @Ste_W @DaveGifford Hey all! I hope to help and collaborate with something - there is this framework built only with css and html - have you ever thought about changing the tiddlywiki interface as tabler-ui that contains only html and css? - link: preview.tabler-io/

tabler comes with the block-oriented pattern as suggested here:

and doesn’t need coding ;D

Hmm, taking a look at the Tabler Preview, it’s pretty aestetically pleasing at default (zooming in and out shows it doesn’t expand to fill the available screen space but I’m sure that’s due to it just being a proof of concept.)

To do something akin to this would require a complete rework of the layout of TiddlyWiki, much like a custom Layout with a few tweaks.

If you wish to, you can look into creating several of those layouts, I’m sure they would look fantastic in addition to TiddlyWiki’s other features, such as the different palettes!

I personally put my time towards other things, but creating my own layout is on my todo list, however far down the list- I don’t currently know :sweat_smile:

If you’re interested in different Layouts, one of my favorites is the mobile layout, created by JD, they’ve made several layouts that are very impressive!

In regards to all the other links you’ve added, I’m not entirely sure how they relate, but many of the topics do contain some good ideas for customizing tiddlywiki! Many of which are a bit above my level of know-how haha

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so I added, are interesting ideas to customize tiddlywiki which is not out of the topic here - just linked as a reference to emphasize this

TiddlyWiki is just HTML and CSS … and lots and lots of JavaScript, which is what makes it possible to be able to run as an app in just one file.

As mentioned, maybe you could make a TW theme that uses some of the ideas in Tabler – but otherwise you’re suggesting a complete rewrite, I think.


that would be my idea