As I have argued before a unique name is gold, even platinum or “unobtanium” when it comes to internet search. What a name means remains to be crafted by its use. I would recommend tying it to a non-diminutive word such as always say “TiddlyWiki Platform”, How ever perhaps we could have a red pill on that takes you to a short evangelising video;
Perhaps starting like this;
Why a red pill,? because I ask you to bare with me for moment, You just saw a glitch in the matrix but may not have realised it. It was not a black cat but looking at the page at you see a website, you may love or hate its layout and appearance but it servers a purpose, it has an unusual name some think is “diminutive” but it it provides a resource into the world of Software supremacy, which is hardly a small thing.
TiddlyWiki is an open source platform on which you and others can build content and software for what ever you need with or without being a software developer.
TiddlyWiki is about democratising software, apps, websites and a lot more by putting the power to build solutions in everyones hands, not just to a select few with years of focused experience.
The TiddlyWiki platform lets you build your own apps, websites and solutions whether you want a quick good enough solution or the “bees knees”, You choose where it is stored, own the rights to your work and choose who gets to see it. A large percentage of solutions built on the “TiddlyWiki Platform” are only seen and used by the owner in their own private space, enhancing productivity, helping research or building diverse knowledge bases of resources.
Built on top of common internet, application and website standards such as HTML, CSS, Javascript if you “learn TiddlyWiki” you also learn other “transferable skills” that will empower you for a lifetime of making use of modern technologies.
But yes, you can use the “TiddlyWiki Platform” for publishing solutions and websites publicly for anyone or everyone with a lot of functionality there right “out of the box”.
In closing
I think the marketing is yet to be done. There is a core story to tell but any effective “Edition” can be marketed in its own right and have whatever name it wants to use, and all it need say is it is built on the TiddlyWiki platform.
What is the killer edition/app that can be built on top of the “TiddlyWiki Platform”, most will swallow the blue pill for an effective solution or “Edition”, only a few will look behind the curtains to see the wizard, or “Take the Red Pill” and the real power. 
Why is it necessary to “take a red Pill”, because nothing as open, broad, extensive and empowering is obvious at first glance. No one can represent all of what “The TiddlyWiki Platform” is in an image or a “Cute catch phrase”, you must stop and look closer, perhaps trust these words a little while, until you discover you can take control of the “System behind the matrix” which is the internet and software today.