Streams as a single tiddler editor - demo

Oi, @saqimtiaz : whafore you been holding this card up your sleeve? Reflecting back on those long discussion threads about Streams UseCases, the related problem of tiddler proliferation, and integrating Fusion into Streams product/ workflow… And meanwhile, this has been sitting there w/o updates since August of 2020?!

Well… While I know you have high standards for any plugin that carries your name, this single-tiddler version of Streams is for me the perfect solution to this problem of tiddler proliferation that i stills struggle with (tho much less since integrating Fusion, it still involves some friction in the workflow that i would really prefer to avoid).

So: Any chance of you offering this as a plugin or module? or can i just download your wiki and use it (tho, since it saves edits from anonymous users to the host, i presume it’s not a single-file instance -right?)


This demo was shared with the community last year and I am pretty sure it was mentioned during the recent round of discussions as well.

It is a quick proof of concept, prone to breaking down if the content isn’t formatted as expected and I would not recommend using it in anger. However it does show the kind of solutions that could be built if someone were interested in doing so.

Regarding tiddler proliferation, the problem arises because Streams was originally developed with a use case in mind where the resultant multiple tiddlers was intended, to keep individual tiddlers short and concise.

The first demo I shared was never meant to be developed into a plugin that people used. Rather it was meant to share ideas and techniques for implementing similar features in TiddlyWiki using just wikitext. In part this was a direct response to the clamour in the community asking that new ideas and features be implemented in wikitext so that others could understand, adapt and learn from them and create their own solutions.

I put a lot of effort into working with wikitext even when it would have been expedient to do otherwise, and making the wikitext code easy to read and understand with that in mind. Rather disappointingly, it doesn’t seem like anyone has pursued that path, so now we have no alternate implementations and users who want to use Streams for things that it was not quite designed for.

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Sorry Saq, but that original thread was “before my time” as a serious TW user… And if you did happen to point to your Single-Tiddler Streams (STStreams, let’s say) demo in the course of either the NoteTaking in Streams thread, or the Note Taking in 2021 thread out of which it arose, i failed to catch any such ref, and am not finding it now (not that i’m digging for it now; let’s be moving on!).

Man: never mind using it in anger; i just wanna use this baby, like now! It works perfectly for my purposes as-is, and i don’t see those limitations you cite as any obstacle. I’m just wondering (as a naive user, not a dev) how i can bring this into my own TW instance(s)? Will it work in single-file mode? (i don’t know, but am guessing that instance is a node.js -yes?).

Sorry (again) to be one of your edge-cases, bending your software to a purpose for which it was not designed, but you DID after all egg me on a bit, with your request for sharing of UseCases. For me, this is all about Note TAKING, vs Note Making (let’s call it NT vs NM mode), with minimal friction. In NT mode, the spawning of many tiddlers is a point of friction, vs NM mode, wherein the spawning of many tiddlers may actually BE the point.

I get that i’m not in your target audience, Saq… And i wish i had the dev chops to build my own edition of your excellent work. FWIW, i am totally aligned with the idea of using wikitext for all it’s worth -a lot more, i gather, than what my own use thus far amounts to (i.e. a Markdown alternative, essentially)- and if someday i am able to make some humble contribution to the considerable corpus of powerful wikitext-based tools in this collective, i’d be ever so happy & proud to do so.

Meanwhile, i can only say: What you’ve created in STStreams is a really powerful contribution as it stands, for all of us who want TW to be not only the best solution around for agile wiki-weaving, but MOREOVER one that integrates a decent outliner. This may be an edge-case for you, Saq, but i’ve been around this community for long enough, i feel pretty confident in saying: the world of hypertext slingers that are also very into outlining is no small thing, as evidenced by the meteoric rise in popularity of such softwares as Roam, Logseq, Obsidian etc.

Bottom-line: so throw us a bone here, mate -willya? :smiley:


No. It seems to use the “gh-pages” feature at GitHub, which allows us to publish single file wikis easily.

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If you want to use it, I cannot stop you. It is packaged as a plugin, so you can import it into your wiki as you would any other plugin. Just be aware that there is no support available, no plan for updates, and that you might lose data.

My advice would be to find someone willing to work on it or something similar. You may get close to the functionality in that demo even with pure wikitext.

I am pressed for time so perhaps I didn’t get the point across quite as well as I would have liked in my previous reply. The intent behind explaining the origins of Streams was to:

a) Highlight the fact that I never wanted to release or maintain Streams as a plugin since I was aware that I would not have the availability for the work it would entail. I still went ahead and worked on it spending time I really did not have to spare, and will stand by my commitment to maintain it, since people found it useful. However, I simply do not have the availability to take on working on that single tiddler concept.

b) Explain why it isn’t straightforward to address your issue with too many tiddlers, in fact doing so properly from my perspective would entail rewriting from Streams from scratch with a different architecture. Otherwise we are just in the realm of workarounds like Fusion and similar solutions, which has therefore been the focus of our prior conversations in this area.

Cool! Never occurred to me to check the Plugins panel on that demo (duh!) -so i did, installed it to a clean TW instance (along w/ the other plugins, since it didn’t seem to be working right with only the streams-as-editor: Streams Editor for Lists plugin), and i’m off to the rodeo w/ this. Thanks, Saq!

PS: promise i won’t be hounding you for support -but i must ask, as i am curious: how is it that your Demo at accepts persistent edits from anonymous user? That looks like a solution to a whole other popular problem here -unless i am missing something. ?


Did you reload the page. … It doesn’t save new content if you create a new tiddler

A post was split to a new topic: Splitting and re-assembling a list with wikitext