SQLite make TidGi-Mobile faster

I recently add a “Quick Load” feature to TidGi-Mobile (Currently v0.6.x), so my 30k tiddlers wiki can load faster.

Code is at

Basic idea is only load 300 recent tiddlers (I think in scenario that I only want to open wiki on mobile and add some quick thought, even load 0 tiddlers is OK), so loading + parsing + filter runs is faster.

Normally my wiki requires 5s to load 30k tiddlers from sqlite, and 5s for filters + indexers to run. Now all just need 5s, 50% reduction. So I can use Mobile iMessage layout and agenda page layout to record things without waiting too much.

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Interesting idea. I would think both recent and a list of nominated tiddlers such as the quick edit code tiddler would make sense.

  • now packaging this as a tool for users to simply configure by nominating tiddlers through a filter before save would be nice.

Yes, I found I may need a config for this, because my quick edit macros are gone in this mode…