Save history labels on Tiddlyhost

“Save history” is a feature of Tiddlyhost where you can view and retrieve older versions of your TiddlyWiki. Each time you save the current version is updated and the previous version is added to the top of the save history list.

It’s a good way to access older revisions when you need to for whatever reason, and can also be handy to roll back to a working version if you’re experimenting and manage to break your TiddlyWiki to the point where it stops working.

Each saved version in the save history list has a timestamp, but other than that there was previously no good way to tell one saved version from another. That’s what the new save history “labels” are intended to address.

So now you can add a label to identify particular saved versions. The use case I’m imagining is to annotate more significant revisions, such as “First draft” or “Got widget plugin working”, so you can see them in the save history list, and therefore access them easily when needed, e.g. if your widget plugin stops working and you’re not sure why.

On top of that, when the number of saved versions hits the limit of 100, Tiddlyhost will now prune out unlabelled saved versions before it prunes out labelled versions. The idea is that the labelled saved versions are probably the ones you care more about and would rather keep. This means labelled revisions can be kept indefinitely.

Anyway, I’m interested if you have any feedback on this, or if you’re using it and have any suggestions for improvements. (Note that the Tiddlyhost’s save history feature is not free - it’s available for Tiddlyhost subscribers only.)

A screenshot to show how it looks:

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Similar to git commit message, this will be useful in critical situations.

BTW would you consider supporting multi-file wiki? Then the revision will be much smaller.
And i will pay for that feature if i can PUT the individual tiddler using sync-adaptor to tiddlyhost.

I like the idea, but I’m not sure if or when I might be able to try implementing it. (I suppose it would make sense to use TiddlyWiki’s own nodejs back end, but I suspect there would be a lot of work needed to figure out to make that work on Tiddlyhost. I confess I’m not familiar with how the the node back end works generally, so there’s some learning I’d need to do.)

I think supporting saving single tiddlers Don’t need to use nodejs tw. You can use PHP or Go, or even SoLiD, only need REST API to accept PUT/DELETE request with auth (well, simillar to the nodejs tw’s one).

And use one day to write a sync-adaptor like

Then the multi-file wiki can be save to cloud in fine grained way.

I tried to use SoLiD to achieve a simillar way, but I have other plugins to write to serve my need, so this is always in very low priority for me.

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As a subscriber I welcome this feature and would say this makes it even more compelling to use than ever. TiddlyHost solved the problem o saving wikis on the internet, now it solves restoring wikis.

If you add a few more features you are making tiddlyhost a platform of choice.

This could be critical if Timimi can’t be retained.

Wild hypothesis: If the “save history labels” feature was introduced about 10 days ago, and @Charlie_Veniot first posted about TiddlyHost sluggishness having been going on for a few days, as of 5 days ago…

Is there any remote chance at all that something happened, in the tweak that enabled saving history labels, that created some bottleneck or memory leak or any other server-side turbulence?

I don’t imagine so, but the coincidence just struck me…

The timing of events does seem to overlap, and I am usually suspicious of coincidences.