TiddlyHost: opening and saving wikis noticeably slow

Following up on a few items here:

  • I think (touch wood, fingers crossed, etc) the performance problems are largely resolved. The thing that helped most was installing a robots.txt file to instruct web-crawlers not to relentlessly follow every filter and sort link in the “Explore” page. Since doing that I’ve seen the CPU load chart look much more healthy, and I’ve not seen the frequent slowness, where it would take 10 seconds or so to display any page. And, as a bonus, I found and fixed a few other bugs while troubleshooting the performance.
  • Thanks for the feedback @Bearking. Perhaps a cheaper option for light users is something to consider. I was building the subscription code roughly when “Twitter Blue” came out for $8 a month, so that was an inspiration for the price point. Interestingly the $ per MB costs are super low, which is why I haven’t worried too much about data caps. What does contribute to costs is the network traffic to read and write data, and of course the cost of the server itself.
  • @Mark_S would you mind if I added your .ps1 file to tiddlyhost/examples at main · simonbaird/tiddlyhost · GitHub ? Or would you like to make a PR to do that yourself?
  • @Mark_S There are a few things I check, but yeah, the potential for bad actors to cause trouble is something I worry about.
  • @Springer (and others), thanks so much for sharing your enthusiasm for Tiddlyhost (here and elsewhere), and for the kindness and encouragement. It’s appreciated!
  • @Springer again, I can do some queries and produce reports on those kind of statistics (size, kind, etc). Perhaps I’ll share something like that in the future, it might be interesting.


I can confirm that at least at the moment, even larger sites are loading responsively.

So I’ll stop worrying about replicating all my stuff at github (whew — since it would have required getting some IT people involved in changing some backend stuff!), and focus again on the delightful ease of working with TiddlyHost.

Supporting a project like TiddlyHost is surely a strange gig, with long intervals of having things coast along, and then an occasional unpredictable spike in urgent questions or concerns.

Many many thanks!!

That does seem weird. Maybe it has to do with the steady rise of our AI overlords, which I obviously welcome :wink:

@simon , I’m afraid it might still not be quite stable. I just got a time out and it’s uneven in loading times, even if often better than a few days ago. Especially things like cloning and downloading/uploading wikis seem to be slow. So I guess your interventions do improve things (great!) but they might not resolve the actual, or the full, issue…?

Alas, I too have had mixed results this morning.

I do think (based on experience since yesterday) that it’s on the whole more responsive than at peak-quagmire time.

Still, I remain worried about relying on it for pedagogical iframes within an LMS system (I’d need to give students special instructions about how to control-click/right-click to access contextual menu and try the reload command within the iframe — without reloading the whole LMS interface — and that’s just a bit too fiddly).

Has this been ruled out as a potential culprit ?

[EDIT: This was probably a red herring.]

Oh-oooh I just had a thought! Check out this, i.e the bit about that the “roaming” for links.tiddlywiki.org was “switched on” about two weeks ago, possibly after some time of hiatus. Might it have something to do with it? @saqimtiaz might the frequency for fetching links, or some other setting have been changed from previously?

EDIT: Ironically, exactly my links-contributing wiki seems to have been dis-engaged from links.tiddlywiki.org …? Last contribution is now from January (i.e by someone else), but my contributions that were added some 1-2 weeks ago did show for a while.

This might be another thread. You’re not listed on the contributor’s page. I’m wondering if the poll process is throwing an error. There are 5 contributors missing. Including you, and Simon

It’s hard to see a connection unless … the broken polling process is looping through all the sites rather than completing. I would think Simon could spot the excess activity in the logs.

I think I’m just going to blame CrowdStrike.

It’s a qualified guess that also Simon has his links-site on TH. Do you happen to know where the other three missing ones are hosting their sites? Of the people still listed as contributors, I do note two (Jeremy and clutterstack) that use a TH site for link sharing.

Another thing; the topics have decreased from 375 two weeks ago to only 258 now. Either heavy pruning has been done or something is not fetched in the same way, it seems.

Ok, I think it’s the other way around. You’re not seeing your links contributions because you’re on tiddlyhost and tiddlyhost is timing out.

Oh! You’re back.

So every hour, when the polling happens, you and the other TH users may or may not be polled.

TiddlyWiki links is rebuilt every 17 minutes. There are 8 URLs from TiddlyHost that are fetched once every 17 minutes. I therefore strongly doubt that Links is causing any performance problems for TiddlyHost. Do note that I do not maintain Links, it is a community project and maintained in much the same manner as the TiddlyWiki core.

OK, red herring about links.

Hupp! Indeed! And so are the 300+ links!

I got the 1 hour from your GH post two weeks ago. I remembered it as something like 20 minutes, but also remembered there was discussion of extending the time.

It’s the other way around – problems with TH are causing contributions to appear and disappear from the collection.

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me too, a few minutes ago this morning :cry:

While people at the moment are (understandably) posting crying emojis etc, I think it is appropriate to clarify a thing to avoid misunderstandings:

Tiddlyhost is the fricking best thing since sliced bread. It (and it’s predecessor TiddlySpot) is a cornerstone in our community. Hooray for is creator and maintainer: @simon - you kick a**!



Just got another 504 Gateway Time-out.

I have no idea how many of the posts in this discussion are related to my OP. Maybe somebody could add a little explainer?

The connection is something like this: having a script to download a set of tiddlyhost projects is one helpful tool in mitigating the dangers of tiddlyhost down-time/unpredictability.

Perhaps the backup-download-script conversation would be better in another thread, but it has certainly all been a conversation among folks who depend on TiddlyHost, who are curious about what affects its reliability, and who want to both support TiddlyHost and have some prudent habits/tools available just in case.

Yeah, it would have been nice for that to be in a different thread.

It is hard for me to find out in this thread I started if the cause of the recent performance issues has been identified, and whether or not the problem has been resolved.