TiddlyHost: opening and saving wikis noticeably slow

I haven’t really noted how long this has been going on. A week?

Is anybody else finding the site performance lethargic?

Might need to put some metrics with that.

I counted about 15 seconds after the login screen until the tiddlywiki selection screen. And about 10 seconds to load a largish tw file. Not snappy, but usable.

I’m wondering if it has to compete for bandwidth with Olympic coverage.

You’re probably the furthest away from the server of any TW users.

I’m in New Brunswick, Canada.

Am I that far from the TiddlyHost server compared to other folk ?

Everything else I access on the web seems to have usual response times (or if not usual, not enough of a difference for me to notice). Well, it takes a fair bit for me to notice anything. (Yeah, for those who are the kind who appreciate compliments for a new haircut, don’t expect me to notice.)


Huh, something has happened since my last post. TiddlyHost is now back to the zippy self I’m used to.


FWIW I did notice this also. Unfortunately I don’t have any theories on what might cause itermittent performance problems. It’s possibly related to the hosting service. I’ll try to investigate further when/if if happens again.


It’s pretty slow again right now for me. I filed Performance problems · Issue #342 · simonbaird/tiddlyhost · GitHub to track figuring out why.


Ditto for me within the last couple of minutes.

Loading the Tiddlyhost site was uncomfortably slow.

Loading an instance of Feather Wiki (0.55MB) took a count of about 16 seconds.

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Everything is behaving as per familiar snappiness right now.

And in the time it took me to write that last post, back to painfully slow.

I just had the same issue as my Feather Wiki (.12 MB) is my hompage and it didn’t resolve. I had to close the tab, check my email, go to Tiddlyhost main site, then everything worked like normal. It’s kinda weird.

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# 504 Gateway Time-out

3 meg file. Usually loads in under 10 seconds.

Similar troubles for me. Gateway timeout on my mainstay personal wiki.

Right before that, even the tiddlyhost landing page just took about 25 seconds to load. :expressionless:

This may be a serious issue, if it continues beyond the next two weeks, since I regularly assign students to interact significantly with a tiddlyhost iframe.

Fingers crossed that you can get some answers and some leverage over whatever’s up!

Reloading a page after the timeout seemed to work for me. But it might just be internet hocus-pocus.

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It’s possibly a time-based problem. When I logged on at 00:40:00 UTC yesterday, it was whiz-bang fast (technical term). Now it’s back to slow, but not as slow as yesterday when it was timing out.

I wish I could find a pattern. So far, it seems to be a roll of the dice. Things might resolve within 5 minutes, but they might not. Now is active weekday morning hours in the US, and it took 45 seconds for a version of the KJV site (12.5MB) at tiddlyhost, but then I hit a gateway timeout for my smaller academic site (5.5MB) — which is the one that is mission-critical. A second try on that site (again, only 5.5MB) worked, but with 45 second load time.

For my own personal editing sessions, 45 seconds is tolerable… but not for populating an iframe within an LMS, where students expect a responsive interface. And the high likelihood of a gateway timeout is really worrisome!

TiddlyHost has been such a game-changer for making web-facing TiddlyWiki projects easy to create and edit on the fly. I have my fingers crossed that @simon is able to get support and troubleshooting help from the folks at the server end.

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22 posts were split to a new topic: Scripts for Backing Up TiddlyHost

(Sorry, I didn’t see the Tiddlyhost word.) I’ve been having problems saving TW locally for 2 years but I think my problem is local. My TW is only 5MB. I have my TW on a network drive which is connected to my laptop and 2 remote desktops in Windows. If I’m on the remote desktop that where the local drive is where the TW file lives, the TW saves fast and normal.

If I’m on my laptop the TW file has to save to a network connection, which takes about 40 seconds for a 5MB TW file. Office 365 is pretty slow, but not that slow.

I use Chromium-based browsers where I just click the Save button and it works. I could not get the Firefox saver to work properly as I would like a one-button save.

Oops sorry. I had problems with Tiddlyhost saving slowly a few weeks ago but that was temporary. So I figured the problem was on their end.

Forgive me, I have brain injuries. I occasionally miss words or phrases that are right in front of me.

I just tested this. Time from when I hit Login on the Tiddlyhost to when it shows my all my files is about 1 second. Time to open my largest file (11MB) is taking longer. Hold on I’m timing it. My internet download speed is about 10Mb/s. Ok it’s been 1 minute 47 seconds and it finally loaded. That’s not normally what it takes.

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This may be a good time to remind you to support @simon’s effort through a paid plan, it’s not expensive for what it is and helps simon by building value into his effort.

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