Probably … by far
---- may be OT, but I think it is a good example ----
I didn’t really track the time, that I did invest in the new PaletteManager Edition / Plugin. But I’m sure in sum I’m close to 100 hours already. And the polishing needed to make it ready for the core there is no end in sight. For the core all the UI text elements need to be translatable. – To know what needs translation, the project has to be “feature complete”. – My goal was to “not introduce new translatable text elements.”
The scope of The Ultimate GTD App “that scales” as described in by David Allen in the 2019 GTD summit has a much lager scope.
That’s right. Because if that would be enough, the existing editions would already have “taken over the market”. … But they didn’t.
As I wrote at:
The underlaying structure is key. For that structure one needs to understand GTD in detail. So I did study the book in more detail.
As I wrote. I did study the book in more detail. My focus was from an “app developer” having the “user in mind”. Over the last weekend I did use Saq’s Streams-edition
to outline 224 “elements of interest”, for an app, covered in Part 1 of the book.
Part 1 is an overview of the whole GTD concept and “the other parts” in the book are detailed descriptions about the elements defined in part 1.
The first heading in Part 2 is: Getting Started: Setting Up the Time, Space, and Tools
… What a coincidence. If we start an empty version of our trusted tool, we are greeted with GettingStarted.
… just some thoughts