Plugin Idea: Tix – New Tiddler Layout (for TW >= 5.2.1)

I also second the @poc2go proposal of a Notebook inspired theme or something along the lines of your mobile first Bricks themes (you may remember some suggestion at the beginning of this thread).

Here at our local community (several persons/cities in Colombia and in Cuba) we used a modified version of Projectify for project based learning/teaching of TiddlyWiki. So, being able to use your Tix as a foundation for a mobile first theme with support for Projectify plugin would mean a small community of pretty active users. Also I wonder you Tix can support lateral navigation, like the one you can find in the Notebook powered Study theme (see screenshot below).

I think that Tix developments are so exiting that @poc2go and me are wondering what would be a migration path from the experiences and users we already support with Notebook based themes, to the innovations that Tix is showcasing us.


I dug into this a little more :

Not going to get into it here, beat on it a little more and write it up - even from the ControlPanel is not working the way it used to - the same happens in v5.2.0 empty.html - when saved remains on tab currently selected even on reload.

Maybe this way for a long time. Other than testing I never would have noticed it.

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That is a pretty awesome set of aims!

I’m not fully up to date on Tix but will try to catch up & comment.


Relating to the ‘Default Sidebar Tab’ issue I discovered.

Submitted as a bug - however, is the expected behavior.

@pmario gives an excellent reply with ways to override the behavior if desired. I’m in favor of removing option from Tix interface.

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@Offray your doing what we are doing (well, other than yours is Spanish). We send TiddlyWiki around as attachments on emails. The same way we send documents, worksheets, and such. Haven’t had that much luck with web based TiddlyWikis.

Members feel their TWs are ‘Personal Notebooks’. For example one member collects poems and every now and then she sends it out. People reply with poems in the email body that they think she might be interested in. She’s the one that copies, bags, tags and includes it in ‘her’ notebook. Of course, some want to make their own notebook of poems - (and another new user of TiddlyWiki is born).

Were does, or will, Tix play into this. If attaching a worksheet - it is MSExcel, documents are PDF or MSWord. I use Linux frequently, so have to export my LibreOffice stuff into those formats. Why? - so everybody can open and read it - is a standard we use.

TiddlyWikis theme is set to the nico notebook theme before sending. Is a standard for distribution. Many just read it and simpler the interface the better. Tix has readily available options that I think novice members would use while reading.

Kind of. We don’t use emails, and instead we host our wikis in Tiddlyhost and/or ChiselApp, depending on the back end we’re using to store and publish wikis. The first one give us and easy way to publish tiddly wikis without technical knowledge, the second one requires Fossil knowledge (which we integrate as part of a course) and provide us with versioning. In our course we go from TiddlyHost to Chisel App, so our apprentices can enjoy more advantages and they know more, while enjoying TW without a lot of technicalities and in a progressive fashion (particularly regarding publishing).

With the integration of Pharo/GT we’re discussing in another thread, we’re going to automatize more the sharing and collaboration on tiddlers, via interactive documentation powered by Lepiter. In this way, we keep the learning curve accessible and take advantage of local practices and computing resources, while dealing with low/intermittent connectivity. The people running the synchronization would need to bootstrap their interactive computing environment once (Lepiter + Fossil + TW) and, after that, they should enjoy relatively easy collaboration on Tiddlers. We hope to made this procedure even more minimal and integrated as we advance, but that would happen at a really organic rhythm.

I will share our progress over here.


A post was split to a new topic: Malwarebytes notification for chisel app

Have been using Tix quite a bit recently. As an author creating and organizing story lines and from the end-user reader perspective of my audience. Has been working great.

As expected, composing on wide-screen vs tablet is totally different. Granted that probably most people will not be authoring using a tablet - but I do. Got a keyboard, mouse, and kitchen sink connected to mine. Living in IoT heaven (or hell).

Was going to propose removing the ‘Sidebar’ tab from the standard Tix layout. Is so easy to remove the ‘$:/tags/Lox/cfx’ tag from ‘$:/themes/telmiger/Lox/cfx/sidebar’. Would say it doesn’t really matter if stays or not.

One element missing in ‘Page’ tab is to change the theme. I have tried different themes running Tix v0.9 with pretty good results. Or is Tix itself going/should be a theme?

Can only have one theme active at a time as far as I know.

Tix on a tablet. When scrolling up/down the river on a tablet I always shoot past the previous/next tiddler - then get all lost in the river, don’t know where I’m at, then forget what I was scrolling for to begin with :(.

A super handy feature when using a tablet - along with the ‘Top of Story’ floater button, would be to have ‘Previous in Story’ and ‘Next in Story’. That would bring you to the top of those tiddlers - without scrolling. Allowing to walk (swim) up/down the river tiddler by tiddler.

Probably only that useful on a tablet - so could use @media or element width to determine if should be displayed?

Ideas or other methods to ‘swim’ the river tiddler by tiddler?

Thanks for reporting your findings! And yes, I do have an idea I will include in the next release. :slight_smile:

Cheers, Thomas

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If there are people out there switching themes often, I would be willing to add this. (I do not, so I left it in the control panel.)

Tix is a new kind of tiddler, it should work with existing themes. I am using it with vanilla.

The new demo has the buttons suggested by @poc2go, you can jump to the next and the previous tiddler in the story. They also move the focus for people navigating via keyboard (tab and enter). I like them! :smiley:

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Hi all,
You might find this interesting. I ran a slightly modified Tix v0.9 through my Tiddilywiki file analysis program. See the results at Tix v0.9 with notebook.

Ciao caro @telmiger

I been using v0.10 of Tix some hours. It is really good!

It is a shame you not getting feedback from a few more people. Tix is a very good approach to TW design and now, with it maturing, is a good time to make comments I think! Fingers crossed!

I will comment next on some specific issues.

Best, TT

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Caro @telmiger

That just illustrates how trying to integrate things really works out well!

Now, just a comment on the scope of what I’m likely to do, FYI …

  1. Have a “Design Wiki” purely to develop new designs … That would include all the plugins listed above.
  2. I’d likely add (not that you need to do it!) tools (like yours) for working with SVG
  3. Add, if I can figure out how to do it, a Button Maker to simplify the process of making operational buttons for the UI.
  4. Have an export mechanism that saves; (A) all needed setting Tiddlers, and (B) all tiddlers of the plugins needed (but no more than essential for use in another wiki).

Hope this is clear. I will comment more on my point (4) separately.

Best, TT

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These are just thoughts …

One issue that came up for me was “how far do you go with this approach” for settings. There are a lot of possible standard TW settings relevant to design. My thought was that in a “Design Wiki” why not expose them all in one approach? (Rather than having to separately find them).

Looking Tix v0.10 I can see a few layout issues I’d be interested if you want to look into …

  1. Option to Centralise the Story River
  2. Option to activate the SideBar as an Overlay
  3. Option to move Sidebar to Left

NOT sure how difficult this would be …

  1. Option for Columnised or Flexigrid layout?



I’d like to try convey a practical issue I have and then ask a question …

I keep a clear distinction between Authoring Mode and Online User Mode. Why? When I’m authoring (offline) I like all the functionality of TW available. But once put out to users (online) normally I remove much of the interface, saving & so on, since they are users of a site, not users of TW.

Recently I started to use StartupActions to automate that process so on startup from web the layout changes to “read-only, simple interface”. Otherwise it is very laborious changing a wiki to “read-only” every time you make a small change before uploading.

My point regarding your plugin was whether there might ever be a “Design Saver / Loader”? :slight_smile: . If there were you could …

  1. Develop & test multiple designs in one Design Wiki without having to manually change everything.
  2. For my case above … add two designs to a target wiki, one for offline normal use, and one for loading online that via StartupActions could run a Design Loader macro.

You get the idea? :slight_smile:
Just some thought, TT

Caro @telmiger, I commented in a previous post …

I wanted to explain a bit more what I meant. The way I intend to use Tix etc is to develop designs in a Design Wiki then export that design to a target wiki. If I ever changed the design for the target wiki I’d most likely do it in the Design Wiki, not the target.

Q: My question is … once you have a design what components do you need to transfer to a target wiki? Do you need all of the plugins in the target wiki too? Or could it work with a minimal set of plugin parts? I’m simply unclear about this.

Just a query
Best wishes

Caro TT,

I have planned to look into these when stepping up from tiddler level (Tix) to page layout level (Lox). At the moment, my focus is on the content of the story river.

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My first approach would be to define the reader view once and keep an empty edition of it. Or export a fresh one when needed. @Mohammad 's Gatha should make that easy.

In your authoring studio you should export or bundle your content, import into the reader edition and publish. I will try to figure out how my theme could support that. Easy filtering of settings/config tiddlers for example? A Lox settings plugin could perhaps be predefined in my development edition for devs and advanced users.

If you want two designs in one wiki, why not have two themes, Lox User and Lox author? Is your startup process able to switch themes?