Most Wanted 2025

:tada::sparkles: A HAPPY NEW YEAR dear TiddlyWikians, :star_struck: :rocket:
as announced in the collection of highlights I am making a list of most wanted features, plugins and developments for the next year. And you are all invited to name the things that would make your Tiddly-Life better.

Of course many of us are waiting for the MWS and the IOS-App like it is still before Christmas, but this thread is also dedicated to the smaller things.
The first thing I would nominate is @linonetwo 's pull request to have if I understand correctly the ability to navigate to sections :crazy_face: and another one to make his wysywig slate editor work better


I’d love to see simplified Permalinks/Permaviews, so that instead of

we would have the much more readable:

and for plain permalinks, it would be much simpler, replacing


This was discussed in a thread here, a GitHub issue, an initial pull request and a replacement pull request with additional concerns handled. At the end of that last PR is a discussion of a broader notion of moving all permalink handling into wikitext, with a dynamic slug-building capability, where this idea might become the default implementation. I’m still fuzzy on the details of that, and I have no idea if such work might get underway anytime soon.


Wanted by no one else but me I think, an integrated maths solution, graphs, spreadsheet and Evan’s maths plugin tying it all together and working in harmony :slight_smile:


A TiddlyWiki that can do my laundry. Mainly just my ironing.

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This has to be a particular case of everybody’s wish - more TiddlyWiki editions that solve whole classes of big problems, instead of cherry picking multiple plugins and gluing them together.

I would like to have Tiddlywiki $:/core with subplugins (breakdown the current $:/core into a very smaller $:/core with several $:/core/this, $:/core/that, etc.)

  • On distribution the empty.html or node.js version, $:/core comes automatically with all subplugins
  • User can disable and delete selected subplugins
    – for example, you can delete a subplugin contains extra theme, a subplugin contains extra palettes
    – or you may work with clean modern TidddlyWiki, so you delete the subplugin implements all backwards compatibility for old stuffs

I would like to build a toolset for teaching, be it maths or other subjects or other tools that I rely on classroom. I built a first scratch here Layouts — Entwicklung, but I got stuck because I could not find a neat way to present them.
My “Most wanted” for this this would be a customizable storyriver for the sidebar, from which things can be dragged to other storyrivers. Therefore, I would want


My wish?
To go forward with the tour implementation.
Maybe also to have the possibility to integrate quizzes from external services ( e.g. ) and to react on the results.


In the core:

  • TiddlyWiki to adopt Lucide by default - this will give plugin developers a great set to work from, with many more icons available that fit with standard TW. I believe the pull request is quite close by now.

And two plugins beyond my abilities:

  • gsd5-ticklers to be fixed

  • (pie-in-the-sky wish) Chessboard2 to resolve its bugs, and for someone to then make a TiddlyWiki PGN reader that uses it. The original chessboard.js still works, but it pulls in a lot of jquery and I never liked the interaction much. It just feels wrong. There is also the chessground library used by Lichess but the lack of chess logic might make it less good. It’s nice to store a famous game, but you might also want to play variations within the move while analysing it.

    Of course, you could just use Lichess’s studies feature to achieve almost everything I’m asking for. It is arguably a better avenue than TiddlyWiki. That includes cases where you are going through chess books and want to keep notes. Many users have digitised the games featured in chess books into Lichess studies, so you can copy the book’s study and take your own notes that way.
    I just like the idea of storing games in TiddlyWiki. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Steve, as your beard inches onwards and your eyebrows furrow and eyes go goggled, due to age (and wisdom), I might well second that broheim.



Leave that to the Idiot AI. Get a robot already.

Anyway I thought missionaries in Mex had willing campesinos?

Yes. Yes-ish. Meaning that the discussion about it is VERY complex.

TBH, at the end of it I’m no wiser than before.

SO I’ll trust you and @pmario and @jeremyruston to do whatever THEY think is best.


Get your idea bigger.

As a Front-End TW is very well situated.

Why? Because it is all but only the “browser side”.

With minor clarifications (already working in cases) the “browser side” can eat infinite
external data.

SO in 2025 …

1 … munch data more easily

2 … master prompts to AI


Very pertinent post! Why?

Because 2025 is a crossroad. Something new happened in '24 … belligerent AI.

I do think that TW is IDEAL as a quick-front-end-builder for AI, Regex etc.


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I’ve spent some time searching the web for TiddlyWiki chess stuff and I didn’t find anything.

TW itself is INcapable of chess play.

As usual there are windows to the White Queen from TW …

See: Create Custom Lucide Icon Sets - #5 by pmario

The Lucide icons sets are basically finished. – There is only one thing left: Handling of Line Thickness using height and weight parameters. That’s the main reason, why I did not publish it till now.


Right. And I doubt there could ever be an exactly “right” answer to that outside of use cases.

In the context of TW I would/will accept as right (enough) your volition.

Getting this done, over, finished, will be useful IMO.


TW itself is INcapable of chess play.

Just like my posts in the thread you’re linking to show, I’m not interested in playing chess in TiddlyWiki. Just in storing chess games recorded in PGN format, being able to visualize, navigate, annotate and search them. This is chess database stuff rather than chess client (as in either frontend to an engine, like Stockfish, or an online chess server like FICS or Lichess) functionality. Think something a la Scid.

Of course, such a wiki would have to make use of a library that “understands” the rules of the game and can process PGN and FEN, like the aforementioned chessboard.js

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IMO all of this is about Interface … TW is likely the best suited start-up to cope with this.

We need, maybe, better understanding how TW can control anything controllable.