Most Wanted 2025

:tada::sparkles: A HAPPY NEW YEAR dear TiddlyWikians, :star_struck: :rocket:
as announced in the collection of highlights I am making a list of most wanted features, plugins and developments for the next year. And you are all invited to name the things that would make your Tiddly-Life better.

Of course many of us are waiting for the MWS and the IOS-App like it is still before Christmas, but this thread is also dedicated to the smaller things.
The first thing I would nominate is @linonetwo 's pull request to have if I understand correctly the ability to navigate to sections :crazy_face: and another one to make his wysywig slate editor work better


I’d love to see simplified Permalinks/Permaviews, so that instead of

we would have the much more readable:

and for plain permalinks, it would be much simpler, replacing


This was discussed in a thread here, a GitHub issue, an initial pull request and a replacement pull request with additional concerns handled. At the end of that last PR is a discussion of a broader notion of moving all permalink handling into wikitext, with a dynamic slug-building capability, where this idea might become the default implementation. I’m still fuzzy on the details of that, and I have no idea if such work might get underway anytime soon.


4 posts were split to a new topic: An Integrated Maths, Graphs and Spreadsheet Edition (Most Wanted 2025)

3 posts were split to a new topic: Let TW do Laundry (Most Wanted 2025)

I would like to have Tiddlywiki $:/core with subplugins (breakdown the current $:/core into a very smaller $:/core with several $:/core/this, $:/core/that, etc.)

  • On distribution the empty.html or node.js version, $:/core comes automatically with all subplugins
  • User can disable and delete selected subplugins
    – for example, you can delete a subplugin contains extra theme, a subplugin contains extra palettes
    – or you may work with clean modern TidddlyWiki, so you delete the subplugin implements all backwards compatibility for old stuffs

My wish?
To go forward with the tour implementation.
Maybe also to have the possibility to integrate quizzes from external services ( e.g. ) and to react on the results.


6 posts were split to a new topic: Implement a Chess Board into TW (Most Wanted 2025)

From the original post:

And two plugins beyond my abilities:

3 posts were split to a new topic: Adopt Lucide Iconse for TW (Most Wanted 2025)

Very pertinent post! Why?

Because 2025 is a crossroad. Something new happened in '24 … belligerent AI.

I do think that TW is IDEAL as a quick-front-end-builder for AI, Regex etc.


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I would like to see a well documented path for other open source projects to bring their tools into tiddlywiki as a platform to both demonstrate, use and prototype.

Many projects are designed to integrate with website, html and/or JavaScript environments. For good reason they need to behave with TiddlyWiki especialy when interacting with TiddlyWiki in the scope of a tiddler or across tiddlers. This work is done time and time again bringing in different tools and libraries of features, some of which have become part of or near the core such as Codemirror, fonts and a lot more.

  • With appropriate documentation to allow intergration without needing to be a TiddlyWiki core wizzard many different projects may see TiddlyWiki as a flexible front end or platform for their project and be motivated to put in the work for their own benifit and to extend the posibilities with TiddlyWiki.
  • Lessons need to be learned and documented so newer versions can be introduced and updated in line with each projects own development time line, with minimal intervention.
  • This could result in some tooling in the TiddlyWiki core to facilitate this reducing redundancy and bloat (Eg introducing almost identical libraries for say date handling)

This one:

If merged, this will allow us to make plugins translatable. I would like to make TiddlyDesktop translatable after it was merged.

And this one:

Which improves tiddlywiki’s dark mode switching.


Let me just link a topic that I posted in October:

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Clicking Outside a Modal Closes It (Most Wanted 2025)

4 posts were split to a new topic: Make Editing MultiLine Fields Easy (Most Wanted 2025)

3 posts were split to a new topic: Aliases (Most Wanted 2025)

Another one occurred to me - it would be nice to be able to take a block of dynamic wikitext (with widgets, macros, etc.) and replace it with a static version. So <$list ..></$list> would be come Tiddler1 Tiddler2 ...

My main use case is that there are times where I built up something from a dynamic view and want to snapshot it and I don’t want the snapshot to keep updating. It would also save on computation cost by “downgrading” when the dynamicisim is no longer needed.

Chopping of dynamic lists would mean amputating the legs to loose weight. The list widget is one of tw’s superpowers, and for me dynamic organization saves weight.
If a developper wanted to do, he sould he should try to add wings and add an entire featherwiki export tool to shrink the wikistrucure to 58kbit.

I do not know a usecase where a wiki has to be that small. TW easily fits into an email. The only limit I could think of is the size of a qr…which is much smaller.
But perhaps this size would be the chunk that could be used to hide critical information in a steganographic way. But again here you’d need an unwrapper on the other side to do the work.

I think one of my dearest wishes would be three xtra feature’s for the whiteboard plugin - or anything that brings us closer to a canvass.
Since there is much talk about obsidian - obsidian’s whiteboard would be the only thing that makes me look enviously to the dark side.
So far the ability to really work with Tiddler-Content is too limited in the whiteboard. @linonetwo -if you find the time:
Could you please add

  • an Add Tiddler Button that opens a searchfield to choose a tiddler to add or to write the title of a new Tidddler if nothing is found in the search.
  • The ability to open a tiddler as a modal above the Board in order to edit the content, best together with the ability to change the style.
  • The ability to switch between Titleview and Bodyview (or perhaps even a customizable viewtemplate for each tiddler - with the Titleview being able to show the content as a modal on click.
  • The ability to zoom to a tiddler by clicking.
    I think this could transform the whiteboart into the absolute TiddlyWiki Supertool.

I’d love for the Zoom Story View bug to be fixed. I tried looking into it a while ago but I couldn’t determine why it wouldn’t zoom to the top of a new tiddler.

It seems to occur if you’ve scrolled down on the current tiddler, then click on a link to a new one, and the new one appears scrolled down midway instead of loading with the title at the top of the storyriver.


4 posts were split to a new topic: Make Nested Tabs Easy to Navigate (Most Wanted 2025)