An Integrated Maths, Graphs and Spreadsheet Edition (Most Wanted 2025)

Wanted by no one else but me I think, an integrated maths solution, graphs, spreadsheet and Evan’s maths plugin tying it all together and working in harmony :slight_smile:


I would like to build a toolset for teaching, be it maths or other subjects or other tools that I rely on classroom. I built a first scratch here Layouts — Entwicklung, but I got stuck because I could not find a neat way to present them.
My “Most wanted” for this this would be a customizable storyriver for the sidebar, from which things can be dragged to other storyrivers. Therefore, I would want


Steve, as your beard inches onwards and your eyebrows furrow and eyes go goggled, due to age (and wisdom), I might well second that broheim.


i would also get a lot of value from this!

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