It would be so great if there was transparency in tiddlywikis drawing-canvas

I am a teacher and I use TW for teaching and presenting. In many scenarios it would have been great to be able to us a transparent screen to draw on images, diagrams, videos etc. It would be great if the default drawing-canvas could allow this.
Dear @jeremyruston and developpers, do you think make this happen?

@JanJo I have not used the drawing-canvas much though have been percolating some ideas for it given the move to a SQL db in the new version

I think I understand what you are describing, but could you walk me through a scenario for how you might use this in your workflow. :slight_smile:

My primary usecase at the moment would be my artclass where I make I use Tiddlywiki to present painings. There I would like to have an overlay-canvas that snaps the picture like the drawing-grid built we built in this thread.
But building a Fullscreen Overlay to draw on the entire screen also would also be a great thing.

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Interesting. And you would want to save the canvas in your wiki after you mark it up?

I’m asking to clarify why this would be useful as a feature within TW rather than an external markup program (I think there’s one packaged with Windows now, for example)

I would like to be able to keep it… And I think it is very usefull to do it from within TW because this makes it much better to steer.

Would the following core improvements together satisfy your use case?

  1. The ability to clear the image editor canvas to be fully transparent
  2. The ability to configure the default background colour for new images
  3. The ability to choose semi-transparent colours in the colour picker

I think you would then be able to use CSS to overlay your image editor over the source image. It’s hard to imagine that part as a core feature, but it should just be a few lines of custom CSS.

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Hi Jeremy, thank you for the reply!

This would be already be great enhancements.
But if this had to be done ex-post this would not enable me to draw life on the images as I would like to do.

So I would like the ability to contigure the default background color to be transparent.