How many people here love tiddlyclip plug in

I just wanted to know how many of you use tiddlyclip plug in? I have found it to be very powerful and customisable.

You need to read the documentation fully to use it properly.
Go to the “Contents” tab in the sidebar to read the documentation

Show some more love to the plug in by starring it in GitHub.


I really wish I could use it but, if memory serves me right, it can’t clip from one window and paste into a wiki that is in another window. Or something along those lines. And that, unfortunately, makes it impossible for me to rely on… :sob:

Just now I tried to clip from a webpage in another Firefox window. It seemed to work.

Another advantage is the clipped images can be locally saved using savemedia add-on

Thanks! OK, maybe I misremember what the problem was but I’m pretty sure it was something critical and it was not going to be fixed … but it was many years ago, so maybe it did change. I must look into it because I really want to use this. Again, thank you.

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  1. to facilitate saving snaps to disk.

I have no idea what this means! Are “snaps” the same as “snapshots” ?

Yes…snaps (screenshots) can be taken using the snap option in the add-on toolbar….it can be saved locally using this method

Apparently there is no extension for chrome. About 70% of the browser market is chrome or chromium based.

i think the chrome extension is also available at this page . Both the plug in and add on were updated this week by buggyj to be compatible with TW 5.2.0 and higher.

Also go through the issues and discussion section of the plug in’s github page.

That’s good to know. The landing page one naturally goes to, , doesn’t mention chrome.

Trying it again. It’s handy for small bits of text and bookmarks. But for larger texts, it either returns everything as one giant block of text, or as HTML. In the former case it would take at least 10 minutes to restore the paragraph spacing. In the latter case, the HTML is too difficult to manage and edit, plus it’s 3 times the size it would be in markdown. I think that’s why I eventually lost interest. It was faster to copy and paste large chunks of text by hand. When you paste by hand, the paragraph breaks are retained.

Today there’s various extensions that will let you grab text and paste it as markdown. This gives just the right amount of formatting – not too little, and not too much.

Although, now that I’m thinking about it, at one time I did have a regexp thing for it that would turn HTML into wikitext.

Edit: Oh! There we go. You can use the “clip” option to paste clipboard text that includes paragraph breaks. It does require an extra step of copying text first. Have to give this a think.

Somewhat off topic but…

Would it be possible to have a tiddler with an iframe to show another TW… and then use “tiddlyclip technology” to import (i.e clip) individual tiddlers from that iframed wiki? Even a filtered set of tiddlers (like all tiddlers tagged @foo)? I’m talking about arbitrary wikis in the iframe that the user has no control over.

I guess the question is if it would be possible to “select” a tiddler inside the iframe and have the tiddlyclip(ish) mechanism copy all of the tiddler fields?

I think at a minimum the iframed wiki would need to have the tiddlyclip plugin installed.

The thing is, it is possible to drag things out of an iframe and e.g put them in the browser bookmark bar. And then to drag that bookmark into your wiki, to get the original thing.
Here’s an example. Put this in a tid and drag out any link as I just described:

<iframe src="" class="ifra" ></iframe>
<style>.ifra {width:100%; height:500px}</style>

So could this be more automated, skipping that middle step to put it as a bookmark? Instead clipping it into tiddlyclip… Maybe even automating so tiddlyclip autoclips from certain web addresses as soon as you visit them… (or ideally even without visiting them, effectively subscribing to wikis… )

EDIT: I’m totally hijacking this thread :wink:

HI Mark,
The regular snip normally preserves paragraphs in text clipped from webpages, could you give an example of when it fails?

when I clip html I usually put it (automatically) into a tiddler of type ‘text/x-htmlp’ and then use the ckeditor adapter plugin to edit it.

I just tried it on your two paragraphs here and got:

The regular snip normally preserves paragraphs in text clipped from webpages, could you give an example of when it fails? when I clip html I usually put it (automatically) into a tiddler of type ‘text/x-htmlp’ and then use the ckeditor adapter plugin to edit it.

I’m wondering, you have two different ways of setting up the ckeditor, using two different tiddlers from your adapter plugin. One is specified on the landing page, and the other inside the readme. I’m following them both – setting up both. But which way are we supposed to be using?


This is what I get, which seem ok.

This is using firefox 95.0.1 on xubuntu.
Tiddyclip addon 0.1.8

tiddlywiki 5.2.0
plugin 1.17.17

How does you setup differ?

To set up ckeditor, put the path in the tiddler $:/plugin/bj/visualeditor/includelib



I recommend using this version

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But the docs say to put it as a script tag. e.g.:

<script src=''></script>

Also, if that’s how we configure, then what does $:/plugin/bj/visualeditor/bjtools/lib do?

Chromium 97 or 99


$:/plugin/bj/visualeditor/bjtools/lib is only used to enable editing at

In the first version of tiddlyclip it was necessary to put the location of the ckeditor lib inside a script tag. I made things simpler in subsequent versions, allowing the path to be entered on its own. However I maintained the option to put the address inside script tags for backwards compatibility.

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