Gatha Plugin: Beta Release - Create and Distribute Tiddlywiki Plugins

When I load a plugin it disappears from the main plugin list. It didn’t do that before. Is this new/desired behaviour ?

Also, if I want to delete an item from Gatha, how can I do that ? Where is the meta data kept?


Suggestion: Add a “resource” tiddler section at the bottom below “extra tiddlers”. It works just like “extra tiddlers” but isn’t exported. Why? So you don’t have to constantly navigate back to resource tiddlers that you need for testing or research notes. This fits with the idea of “TW Studio”.

It is desired bahaviour!
If you keep plugin as plugin and also create a draft you have two tiddlers of one functionality! You cannot delete a shadow, as it is part of a plugin and it is very confusing.

Also editing a shadow tiddler gives you a warning that you do not like to see it!

It is simple to add a delete button, but I did not add such a button as this can be dangerous!
In current design, you have to delete the plugin-draft. Simply click on the plugin delete its tiddler. If you want to delete the associated tiddlers do this in advanced search before deleting the plugin draft.

Please let me know if you have other solution.

I am afraid I do not follow you. DO you mean you have some tiddlers you use for creating plugins and this way they are in your access to add to plugins! What are these resources and what they do?

@kookma one thought regarding the ability to load existing plugins and modify them, it would be helpful if Gatha automatically added a field or some other indication that the plugin had been modified. Obviously such a field could be removed by the user if they so desired, but it would help avoid unintentionally creating plugins that have the same fields as the original but have been changed.

It would help avoid situations where someone modifies a plugin for personal use, which then somehow gets circulated and results in a lot of support work for the original plugin author trying to solve bugs that never make any sense since the code has been modified with no outwards indication.

I ran into this problem more than once with Streams and it was part of what eventually drained my energy for working on it. Even a simple field that has metadata like “packaged-by” : “Gatha on 16022021” would be very helpful in this regard.

Imagine you are working on a plugin and have notes and some example tiddlers for testing the features. These should not go into the plugin, but @Mark_S is suggesting that it would be nice to have easy access to them. So a resources/bookmarks area for each plugin that you are working on.


@Mohammad Now that you’re embracing a “Studio” approach, what’s needed is a “workspace”. Mark wants to have easy access to reference materials in his workspace – tiddlers that need to be referenced for production that don’t necessarily need to be added to the target output.

Thank you @Mark_S, @saqimtiaz, and @CodaCoder .
I am familiar with Visual Studio, yes a resource file there is a part of project but does not compile! like an icon, but it goes to generated output!

As @CodaCoder explained, here you like to have a resource folder. Don’t we use templates from drop down menu where you can add boilerplate tiddlers, icon tiddler. I mean I can add more option there …

Hi @saqimtiaz, this is the way Gatha now works with some differences. It change the modified field to create tiddlers from shadows!
After editing adding, removing any tiddlers you can export the modified plugin in the format you like. The only difference from your OP is plugin is not repackaged in the production wiki, but exported!

I am sure one can confuse to have a real and shadow tiddler with same name in production environment!

EXAMPLE: For my own case I use for example \import [all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Myplugin]] should I go and edit all tiddlers in my plugin to tell what tiddler it should use!

I think as the functionality is the same for real and shadow tiddler we should decide to keep one of them.

In Gatha 0.8.5 I keep loaded plugin as plugin and one can edit shadows, but @Mark_S raised an issue you cannot delete a shadow, and that is correct, I can not edit a plugin by removing a shadow and I have keep all of them.

In summary, I believe apart from what we can do in Tiddlywiki, it is better to have production environment clean!

@Mohammad It feels like we are talking about completely different things here, but perhaps I am misunderstanding something.

If I use Gatha to modify Shiraz, and export as plugin with some changes, how can anyone tell this is a modified version of Shiraz and not what was published by you?

Does Gatha add some field to indicate that the plugin has been loaded and modified?

No, there is no indication!

It changes the modified date of all shadow tiddlers! but it is hard to be distinguished by final users

As sorry, I think I answered Mark question instead of your question. Mark asked to keep the original plugin while it is loaded into Gatha!

Okay, so you mean creating a plugin should not have such a field but loaded and repackaged has that field! This way final users can distinguish what is the original plugin!

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Yes exactly. I think that will be very useful to help distinguish plugins that have been modified and make life easier for all plugin writers.

Me too.

In fact, if any plugin manipulation carried out in Gatha Studio Workspace™ should pollute the host TW, that should be considered a critical bug, IMO.

By pollute I mean, ANY left-behind artifact. Before “stitching up the patient”, count your tools! :open_mouth:

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? Are you saying someone actually created a modified Streams plugin and distributed it?


While one could write that off as an unlikely exception, it could quite realistically happen that someone uses a modified plugin in their own wiki which is online, someone else installs it from there, and so on… adding a little metadata will help.

When I’m testing, I navigate back to a test tiddler. The test tiddler is never included in the output. Testing may only last 10 seconds, and then I need to navigate back to the working tiddler. The navigation back and forth is something that drives me crazy (a short trip, I know) when trying to work in TW. Having the resource one click away facilitates development. There may also be notes about the plugin (e.g. code from the forum) that I need to repeatedly reference. I don’t want to bundle them because they will be irrelevant to everyone else.


This title is absolutely amazing! :wink: :sweat_smile:

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Hi Mark,
Okay, I add this as optional section, so user can optionally show / hide this part!
But let just think about the title of this section: Resource tiddlers? or Doc tiddlers, or Test tiddlers,…?