Documentation tiddlers on in need of work (please contribute to the list)

The <$jsontiddler> widget is undocumented - it is used to generate the JSON store area:

?? There is a tiddler JSONTiddlerWidget . Since June 30th.

When I look at the code, I notice that the exclude list is split by spaces. But fields can contain spaces now, right?

Thanks @Mark_S you’re quite right, the <$jsontiddler> widget is indeed documented.

There was a suggestion in a now closed issue at Github, which imo should still be considered about Images nomenclature in the docs.

Please update the top wiki post if there is something actionable. If it needs further discussion please post it as a new topic.

@twMat see this section in the top post (in reference to Update Filter Run Prefix (Examples) by twMat · Pull Request #7052 · Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5 · GitHub)

9 posts were split to a new topic: Typed block syntax

Added a note that the tiddler Pragma does not list the new in v5.2.4 parsermode pragma.

Bumping for greater visibility.