in the education-world, there is a big buzz around relatively simple classroom management apps like https://classroomscreen.com . They basically provide a clock, a group-mixer, the ability to show pictures and videos, generate qrs as floating divs above a beautiful wallpaper. Has anyone started to build something like this.
What features would you like to have in this app?
Interesting. … Subscription based and locked in … That’s probably the way to go.
The page talks about 19 widgets, but only shows 9 of them. What are the other 10. Do you know them?
Interesting, this can also be a “Party tool” or “DND boardgame tool”
I teach out of TiddlyWiki, and have built all the features I need during classroom time. I’ll check out the link. I’m sure TW can do lots of things that their app doesn’t.
The one thing I don’t know how we could do, in TW, is the remote polling. Clearly the integration of real-time inputs (with the right levels of security) requires special server back-end stuff.
I have at various times incorporated a clock, a calendar, a randomizer (including to “shuffle” student groups), images and video (of course). And of course we’ve just recently been gifted an elegant free-drawing whiteboard implementation.
But also: I can include all the actual teaching content I want to display, from embedding pdfs to expandable detail-widget outlines of concepts… Also: a glossary that freelinks from every instance of one of its words anywhere in the wiki.
Honestly, I’m not at all tempted by classroomscreen because after teaching with my DATA (and all its data structure) at my fingertips, all these other tools are just eye candy.
Still, I could see collaborating with someone on an edition that puts many of these tools within reach.
Here’s my workhorse teaching wiki (university level ethics course), with some glimpses of the TiddlyWiki plugins and configurations in use:
I think rather than an Edition, a set of transcludable tiddlers for each feature would allow more general use, incremental development and easier to customise.
- Perhaps first we build way to define a “modular” tiddler, then provide editor toolbar to search or select any module and insert it (it’s transclusion), or even in design mode drag and drop on a tiddler the desired modules, and drag and drop to reorder.
- use the template as provided or click to clone and edit/customise.
- I could build the insert modular tiddlers tools and infrastructure.
- Someone else could build a 2d map of the modules bit Like Muuri or inside any tiddler.
What do you think?
Sure, I like the idea of a sort of “cafeteria” of options (perhaps displayed like Saq’s nifty Swiffy Slider, or some other clear gallery-like GUI), each module potentially imported via drag-and-drop.
Ideally, the demo site would have real content (which would not come along with the import), so that the application of the tools is intuitively clear. (Sometimes plugin demo sites are a bit abstract, such that intermediate and advanced users see the power of the tool, but beginners might be a bit unsure whether the learning curve is worthwhile.)
Certain existing plugins, such as Mohammad’s Shiraz, are also indispensable for getting nicely-displayed content up and running fast.
Here we will need to seperate the module standard, from the modules and the data (custom use of the modules), and even the presentation of the modules.
- I imagine dropping modules on a tiddler or into a list, then the presentation handles how and when top display them.
- If we stick to the “Classroomscreen in TW”, there is no real data but config and state settings.
- Actually demo content can be collected into a plugin as long as the tools can cope with “is shadow” as well, and toggled in out of existence with enable/disable.
- We could make a button to turn them all into edited shadows.
- or JSON package
- This is an example of a principal of mine I make use of. “10% more for reusability”
- Basically when constructing some example or test data spend 10% more effort, 110% total to make a data bundle that can be reused. Subsequent uses need an almost trivial effort.
- Constructing demo/test data is also helpful to the design process because it helps inform the design process.
- I think @Mohammad’s commander includes a tiddler maker,
- but also if you generate a csv tiddler of data, the JSON Mangler plugin allows easy creation of a “data” plugin including the option for last minute filters or column choice.
to those interested: I found an open source version of classroomscreen Digiscreen by La Digitale .
But like in the initial post I would say we can easily create something better in TW - perhaps with an alternative Layout, that uses the sidebar to display the widgets - and hides what could appear distracting.
For some widgets like the clock, I would like to have the possibility to create a div that can be dragged around - I have the feeling I already saw something like this in TW in a more lightweight way than Mentat mentioned above by @Alvaro.
In this idea, the story river would be used to display the content.
I recently remembered https://lernpfad.ch/ (which means learning path sorry only French and German version are available), I like the design because it is very intelligible … and should be easy to apply to TW
It would be cool to have an easy to use export-feature that would allow teachers to prepare a site and save it for later use (…which is of course the normal behavior of the save wiki bottom but could be made more understandable.
Very interesting post. Very accurate.
I agree, & you are likely there already?
My point? I kinda think this specialised approach for tutors / teachers / trainers needs it’s own resource base??? Just in discuss here it is maybe not enough?
I thought this kinda good as an agenda …
Just a comment, TT, serious trainer.
a short analysis of how easy to realize:
Without any difficulty:
Some difficulty: Here we would have to foil codepen or so to have nice designs… propositions welcome
- Sound level
- Dice
- Webcam dunno…
Hard: Her we would need some kind of backend:
Other interaction features requiring a backend like brainstorming together and commenting would be nice. https://tweedback.de/ and https://www.tricider.com/ have some nice features there.
Draw should be no problem but it could be enhanced to it would be nice to have a tldraw integration which would allows cooperation
nicely movable divs, won’t need a backend… but I am still looking for that feature.
Something like this would be great. Also available: tiddlywiki.study
Hi @Springer and @TiddlyTitch
I just registered classroom.wiki . But it may take som time, untill I have something there.
Saq had an excellent demonstration of floated tiddlers here; I’m not sure whether he’s done any more work on the concept.