Calendar and Agenda plugin tw-calendar with Mobile friendly agenda page layout

Just a few more suggestions

  • Would be useful to drag and drop items/tiddlers without fileds startDate and endDate. Currently, tillders without fields startDate and endDate are displaying in the calendar, but cannot move them.
  • Could we use title instead of caption when a new tiddler is created?

See the doc, you can set param to use different field as start/end, then you can drag tiddler with these fields.

But tiddlers with only created/modified can’t drag, because you shouldn’t modify its modified field like this.

We show title, if a tiddler don’t have a caption. But surely we can add a checkbox, to allow create new tiddler in calendar with only title.

These changes will only happened in half a years, because I don’t really need them, and I’m going to create new plugins that I need, but you can submit PR to achieve them, thanks. And make sure each PR only contain one change, so its easier to review!

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Thanks. I make some changes to directly open tiddlers instead preview panel. However, I cannot find the link for github repo. How can I make a PR?

A small tip to modify field startDate and endDate for tw-calendar plugin through a ViewTemplate.


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It’s on doc site
also pasted it here GitHub - tiddly-gittly/tiddlywiki-calendar: Widget and Page Layout displaying tiddlers on calendar and agenda, based on created, modified, startDate and endDate fields.


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