Calendar and Agenda plugin tw-calendar with Mobile friendly agenda page layout

Just a few more suggestions

  • Would be useful to drag and drop items/tiddlers without fileds startDate and endDate. Currently, tillders without fields startDate and endDate are displaying in the calendar, but cannot move them.
  • Could we use title instead of caption when a new tiddler is created?

See the doc, you can set param to use different field as start/end, then you can drag tiddler with these fields.

But tiddlers with only created/modified can’t drag, because you shouldn’t modify its modified field like this.

We show title, if a tiddler don’t have a caption. But surely we can add a checkbox, to allow create new tiddler in calendar with only title.

These changes will only happened in half a years, because I don’t really need them, and I’m going to create new plugins that I need, but you can submit PR to achieve them, thanks. And make sure each PR only contain one change, so its easier to review!

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Thanks. I make some changes to directly open tiddlers instead preview panel. However, I cannot find the link for github repo. How can I make a PR?

A small tip to modify field startDate and endDate for tw-calendar plugin through a ViewTemplate.


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It’s on doc site
also pasted it here GitHub - tiddly-gittly/tiddlywiki-calendar: Widget and Page Layout displaying tiddlers on calendar and agenda, based on created, modified, startDate and endDate fields.


6 posts were split to a new topic: Questions for using Memory Keeper TW

Now there is a search page layout, you can search for all your sleeping events, back to childhood…



  1. How do I configure your month calendar to show only one month permenantly for instance May 2024.

  2. a) How do I configure the clickable link in the calendar square to show not the title but the contents of the relevant tiddler’s “journal-synopsis” field, and b) let it wrap so that the box will lengthen as necessary to show the contents of the field.

This next seems to be too far from the original purpose of your calendar, since I am trying to use it as a past-oriented diary month overview and not a future-oriented schedule book. I’m using Mohammed’s Journal-book and in a tiddler dated day 0 of each month (so as to put it at the top of the month) I am trying to embed your dayGridMonth widget.

If this is too far from your calendar’s purpose, how do I keep the contents of the “journal-synopsis” from being a link?

If it is not too far from your calendar’s purpose:

  1. How do I configure the link so that clicking on it either
    a) jumps to the relevant day in the stream of entries, or
    b) opens the relevant tiddler in a normal pop-up modal for reading like journal-entry without all the scheduling stuff since not using as a schedule book.

This is as far as my experimentation has been able to go (I don’t really know what I’m doing):

<$calendar filter="[tag[Journal]has[journal-synopsis]!is[system]]" startDateFields="journal-date" initialView="dayGridMonth" hideToolbar="yes" width="90%" />

So sorry if I am trying to use your calendar the wrong way or if you are very busy please don’t worry about it.

There is a initialDate param in the doc, and an example

I believe it can accept a variable, so you can dynamatically generate calendar for old days.

You can add custom sections to the popup, by adding $:/tw-calendar/EventPreviewMiniViewTemplate tag, see the source code

You can create a custom tiddler that can edit the “journal-synopsis” field of currentTiddler, and add this tag, it will show on every popup on calendar. But I’m not sure about what is the “clickable link” you said.

This plugin should be extensible with $:/tw-calendar/EventPreviewMiniViewTemplate tag.