Are "hint tiddlers" always titled like this?

It is typically not possible to search system tiddlers based on the “hints” (i.e the text) seen in them - because such hints are translated. For example, you will not find the following tiddler if you search for the string “You can globally”.

…but you will find the hint tiddler itself:

I’m wondering if the “hints” for core tiddlers always follow the title structure seen here, i.e that the prefix $:/core/ui is replaced with $:/language, and with a suffixing /Hint ?

I’m probably asking @pmario :grinning:

Yes, they should follow this pattern. There may be some exceptions but most of the hint texts should be possible to track back to their related tiddlers. …

IMO it would be an extension to the “system” search filter.

There is a discussion here at Talk - Can we make standard search a little smarter? - #8 by pmario and Can we make standard search a little smarter? - #12 by pmario where I did some brainstorming about a TW specific “ranking system”.

But except from that brainstorming I didn’t do any further development. … I did create the field-search plugin which is OK for my own usecases.

@Mohammad has Advanced Search in Fields which is discussed here Advanced Search in Fields Plugin: New Updates

IMO none of us did implement a feature that would find the relation between a hint tiddler and it’s origin.

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I remember @telumire has developed some tools to search in tiddler with transclusion!
I forgot the link, but you can find it in the forum, the tool is very powerful.

You could use this filter to reverse-search hints:


Wont work for tiddlers using hints based on filter / concatenation but it’s possible to use the wikify widget for that, see Demos — Q&A and tools for tiddlywiki


@pmario - thanks for your reply! @Mohammad too.

Wonderful! This was the very next thing I was going to do, thanks for sharing telumire!

Edit: Oh, your solution is even a completely different from what I had in mind. You circumvent the bits I hint about in the OP, i.e to “construct” the name of the system tiddler from the name of the hints tiddler. Are there advantages to your approach over this @telumire ?

By searching what tiddlers contain your string, you can then search what tiddlers are using the tiddlers containing the string. This way you don’t have to rely on a name convention that might not be respected, but again this won’t work for tiddlers that transclude a translation by constructing the name dynamically… so maybe the filter I shared could be complementary


Very powerful. This has two parts, and each can be customized, for example you can only map to non system ordinary tiddlers.