What would a "TiddlyWiki World" website look like?

I figure might as well throw this in a distinct thread. Kind of consolidating ideas I lobbed as replies in the recent discussions:

If we had a portal, a simple but pretty and well-organized directory, to all things TiddlyWiki, what would it have?

Your thoughts?

Just to seed things:

  • all kinds of good information for the new user facing the blank canvas that is empty.html (which I am a big fan of), and walk the user through things like understanding the TiddlyWiki interface, doing the basic things to customize empty.html
  • the various kinds of things that TiddlyWiki can do, showcasing examples, providing sample tiddlers and plugins and recipes to take empty.html and turn it into the “standard.html” that leads towards the solution a new user wants to create with TiddlyWiki
  • learning videos
  • exercises to learn about filters, macros, transclusion, etc. etc. etc.

For one, its url domain would be tiddlywiki.com …