What would a tabbed multi column layout feels like?

In VSCode or Obsidian, window can split to multiple column, and each column can have multiple tabs.

Under each tab can be a completely different “layout” (in tw term), like text editor or image preview or setting panel.

I think in tw we need to make each tab show a layout, so this tabbed multi column will be a “meta layout” that contains multiple layout. Is this possible to make in current tw?

Sure, why not. It would need some new templates. Every list-widget can be a new story. Every tiddler in a story can use a different template.

If you have a look at the inner-wiki plugin. Every tiddler can contain a new functional TW if we want to.

linonetwo Great idea!

The visual part of TW under developed and this can be a step to have a modern face.

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I think this is a different face of the interesting idea that you suggest in Do you want your wiki to have 3-10 different layouts?

It would be great that we could have a mechanism to change between different kind of views, not only between story view.

As @pmario said, you would need work with templates related to the story.

I like this idea a lot.

In some of these other tools, I think you can also reuse layouts. For example, two tabs that show a note full screen, but a third tab that uses a different display. This meta layout would need to be more sophisticated than “a list of all page layouts” - it would need sub-stories, and then the ability to pick a layout for that sub-story.

With the new cascade concept you can have a different viewtemplate for every tiddler based on a tag if you want to.

See: https://tiddlywiki.com/#%24%3A%2F_tw5.com%2FCustomStoryTiddlerTemplateDemo%2FFilter
at: ControlPanel → Info → Advanced → Cascades → Story Tiddler tab

It was a comment about the other thread. It isn’t about templates related to viewtemplate (story tiddlers). It would be a cascade for change the $:/core/ui/PageTemplate/story with a tiddler of a view of different kind of layouts (without changing the complete Page Layout): multistory, calendar, kanban, …

Every list-widget can be a new story. So it’s possible to create what ever you want within 1 tiddler. At the moment the existing CSS can not deal with a page-template shown inside a tiddler. … But with the right CSS concept you can have a story in a tiddler in a story in a tiddler. … All of them are working at the same time.

With a completely new CSS (that does not leak), we could have a complete page-template in a tiddler. Similar to the inner-wiki plugin – without the need of an iframe.

There are some core limitations at the moment with the navigation widgets. But for the start 1 story per tiddler should be fine. …

I did a video 3 years ago about the status of the table of content refactoring which shows a “story in a tiddler” concept. It’s 3 minutes from the start of the link.

The code shown was rejected, so I had to implement it the way we have it now.

Thinking about it, I should probably release the elements shown in the video as wikilabs plugins.

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The original topic idea is very similar to and idea I raised under the multi column lay out MCL because they would share 90% of the same code.
This is something I too would like primarly to publish websites or apps with multiple sections.

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Yes. Iit will combine a tiddller $/state/… and cascade to choose the tiddler with a specific view (story, multistory, horizontal story-kristal, whiteboard, calendar, …) and its list widget if it is using this widget.

The “story in a tiddler” is great, but when it is implemented directly in toc macro, it breaks the original functionality (show the tiddler as card).

Me too.


Thanks, I didn’t notice this. And the demo is very impressive. https://tiddlywiki.com/#Demo%20Tiddler%20List%20with%20Custom%20Story%20Tiddler%20Template:[[Demo%20Tiddler%20List%20with%20Custom%20Story%20Tiddler%20Template]]%20%24%3A%2F_tw5.com%2FCustomStoryTiddlerTemplateDemo%2FFilter

But this still shows things in the story flow. What I described is something like this

For example, the area 3 maybe a [WhiteBoard plugin V0.2.3](https://whiteboard layout) , but instead of being fullscreen layout, it restricted to a tab (or a grid cell in the screenshot)


Yes, maybe just combine MCL with method @pmario said, let each column or grid cell display a layout, we can achieve this. And there can be a layout that is a fullscreen, one-tiddler layout: Is there a fullscreen edit view mode or layout?

So MCL maybe just 2 step from the idea in this thread:

  1. let column display alternative layout instead of story flow layout
  2. let column have tab, each tab can have a different layout



I think the key question will be if your have one sidebar for all story tabs (but where does a link open?), one for each story tab or a hybrid. MCL has a hybrid based on the selected column which could be adapted.

  • although more to configure, I like the idea of one sidebar for each story tab.

Along with the story tabs method one could be chosen from a menu or submenu, to users not familular with tiddlywiki they would just think they are on a different website page.

  • perhaps one layout for each story?

Put the sidebar and Story River entries in the top tab.

The idea is roughly as shown in the picture, but there is still a lot to continue to work on.