What We Can Learn from NotePlan?

I have heard that Amplenote also has a similar approach, I haven’t used it though.

Hi, I am not a Mac user so my impressions are based only on a visual scan.

My thought is that this is not the way I would like the core of Tiddlywiki progress, I have no interest in Tiddlywiki as a business, calendar or scheduling tool - if functionality is added in the way of optional plugins then of course I would have no objection but I would lose interest in Tiddlywiki if default views started to look like the pages I saw on Noteplan - it makes my brain ache to see so much visual clutter on the screen.

I use Tiddlywiki as a personal knowledge base and research tool, I like to be able to focus on my area of research so I like the default UI to be soley concerned with editing and creating new tiddlers and finding and linking together previously unrealised connections and relationships between different sub-topics, for me there is no consideration of time, meetings or schedules, contacts or similar. The screen shots made me think more of a general business planning app than a wiki - isn’t that part of the software market already amply covered by big players anyway?

I may have a completely distorted view of what NotePlan is about I can only go on what I see in the screen shots but what I saw I would not welcome it if it meant the “soul” of Tiddlywiki moved in that direction for everyone even those not interested in calendars, meetings and schedules but of course sure if people develop plugins to give that kind of functionality then great - thats the beauty of Tiddlywiki - we are not all forced into one view of the world.

Thanks for sharing @Mohammad

That plain txt / markdown files (the latter in particular) are see as a virtue.

This “integration through Markdown” makes for interesting reading Use NotePlan with Obsidian - NotePlan Knowledge Base

I have built or configured a number of similar features (I do use TW and LogSeq for personal and work TODO and contacts— but mostly manually) but haven’t configured plugins or editions to share this back. And, I haven’t written detailed blog posts about how to use those features.

If anyone has a custom setup, a blog post, screen cast, or post here on TW Talk would be helpful in sharing with others in the #showcase or #tips-and-tricks.

I am going to check out Noteplan, because it could be a good fit with what I need for work. The personal stuff is all custom TW that’s just for me.

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If a tiddler keep contacts how does it look like?

I assume something like this:

  • title: contact name with Mr/Ms/Mrs
  • email field
  • mobile number field
  • twitter account field
  • photo field

That was my thought. Most people using a date planner are either using something mandated by their employer, or something that allows synchronization (like Google Calendar). But if someone does want to use TW as a date planner, there’s Projectify and Todo Now.

I’ve built mini “personal CRM” multiple times.

I keep “people as Tiddlers” and “organizations as Tiddlers” (and have built similar in every “tools for thought” I’ve used). So, I tag with “Person” or “Organization”.

Why? Because it’s for note taking, not contact management. The built in contacts in my phone or desktop operating system is much better. But TiddlyWiki is awesome at custom notes!

(This will be different for everyone’s workflow — I’m sharing mine as an example)

I do add fields for Twitter, LinkedIn, Github and then the generic “link” field I use for all Tiddlers to indicate and display a primary website.

I’m going to write up a request on how to include a Twitter macro if the field is filled in. All of my “Person” Tiddlers I often manually put in a Twitter macro to show the last three tweets. A quick way to get a sense of what your contacts are up to!

Again, thank you @Mohammad for promoting this discussion!

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@Mohammad I feel notePlan just offers a set of features that anyone could implement in tiddlywiki except for storing in independent files, and this may even be possible with the right server and file uploads plugin.

The thing is they curate and preconfigure what the user has available which is a simplification of what is possible in tiddlywiki. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes a limited set of features with input; listing; calendars helps because is remains well defined.

The main thing I would take from NotePlan is a reminder of UI methods used to simplify interaction.

Not to mention a whole suit of tools from @EricShulman’s timer tools

  • I do use tiddlywiki for GTD and date planning extensively.

The input method would be easy implement and has already being done but offers a great opportunity to introduce innovation such as pseudo-AI features which respond to qualities of the input, to effectively predict the user intention.