What makes me love Tiddlywiki

Some of my favorite features of tiddlywiki are:

  1. It’s a separate file, it’s on my computer and not online. This ensures maximum security;
  2. It can use different plugins to meet my needs, so it can finally be a tool that I really need. Even without this plugin, maybe we can write such a plugin ourselves?
    But I don’t know if there is a way to implement the function of the graph. I think that feature is cool.
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I think macros and view templates are my favourite things, which lets me steal and implement features from all other note-taking wiki-like software.

My favorite features is my list of backlinks in the footer of every tiddler, and my custom-built calendar, where I can see all tiddlers in a calendar view, which helps when I know I wrote something a certain day or week.


You can use echarts plugin to draw graph ECharts - Bringing amazing visualization tools to TiddlyWiki!

Despite I use app in the desktop, I still love HTML version, single file HTML is a good way to share notes and make presentation.

What kind of graph do you need?

For a simpler take for graphing for equations try


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My favourite feature is the simple one to link to missing tiddlers.

It makes vey easily to branch my current thought into new ideas without leaving current tiddler as the way of natural thinking.

I start a post to summarise my idea.

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Nice post @Zheng_Bangyou
I have always felt TiddlyWIki was ideal for “data analysis, data scientists and digital agronomists and many other research and analysis specialisations etc…”

  • You mention R, is there a TiddlyWiki integration?
    • JSONMangler and its CSV to tiddler handling is great.
  • Perhaps you may contribute to “Essential Editions” such as The Personal Productivity edition or a for shadowed “Personal Database edition”. However a research and publishing edition may be good as well.
    • I will keep your post to inform editions

Also see Graphs — a non-linear personal web notebook and ECharts — Awesome Visualization Library for TiddlyWiki5

I have been searching for a right tool more than 10 years and tested lots of them. Finally I give up as other tools are not designed to deal with non-linear ideas/outputs as a scientist’s daily work.

Although I would like to integrate with R as my major program language, I don’t think it is necessary. I have spent lots of time to write RMarkdown files, but found it is hard to keep notes for branching ideas and share with my colleagues. RMarkdown or Jupyter are designed for final outputs. We can easily link to them as external files.

My daily work of tiddlywiki is to write my thoughts and takes notes of from R output (mainly figures). I write an autohotkey script to save images into tiddlywiki folder served as node.js.

My post will update for my tips, scripts to use tiddlywiki.

I think my favorite thing is no vendor lock in. I can run a single file or Node JS. I can run it here, there, everywhere. Heck, I even scrapped my Wordpress blog and converted to static HTML generated from a Node JS instance of Tiddlywiki! If you wonderful helpers went away and Jeremy closed shop altogether, my current wikis would be just fine.

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I didn’t expect that tiddlywiki is ideal for data analysis…

Since this is off topic please help @pkuadt over here What is the advantage of Node js. over html file?