Currently, I think there are two types of TODO list:
- one is like GitHub - kookma/TW-Todolist: This is a tiny todolist in Tiddlywiki. It supports categories and is high customizable that use JSON data tiddler to record todos
- other is using DynamicTable like the one in GitHub - kookma/TW-Shiraz: Shiraz is a small Tiddlywiki 5 plugin contains macros, stylesheets, templates, snippets, images, static tables, dynamic tables and acts as a starter kit. to aggregate tiddler with Todo tag.
(I’m using both, but I hope I can unify the GTD experience in my wiki)
And when talking about GTD, the data struct will be way more complex. So I’m curious how do you organize your GTD system and to-do list in your wiki? Are you using some plugin or have a template for this?