UX/Product questions

Is there a central place that communicates the core advantages of TiddlyWiki vs existing options for taking and managing notes? (There are many open and closed. I can list some if requested)

Is there a default build with storage pre configured, so new users can get started right away? (Maybe using Fission?) Might help with growth.

Is there a video where we can see a brand new user (or two) asking questions with an experienced user? Might be useful for surfacing changes that could promote adoption, usage and onboarding content?

Plenty more questions along these lines that could inform possible UX/Product contributions.

So hopefully these can start the conversation.

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I’ll reiterate my willingness to participate in such a newbie–experienced-user pairing if someone organizes it. I’m the author of Grok TiddlyWiki and occasionally do tutoring in TiddlyWiki, so I have some experience in this kind of thing.

I have my own page on the benefits (and drawbacks) of TiddlyWiki versus other tools.

Let’s do it. I can record our meeting and we can go through it since I have just been exposed today for the first time. I learned about it through Fission.

When are you available?

Are you interested in TiddlyWiki on Fission or TiddlyWiki in general?

I would be interested in attending. Thanks

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My Interest is starting a personal library. That includes…

  • Zettelkasten
  • spaced repetition
  • static site generation
  • portability
  • robustness
  • extensibility.

Fission seems compelling as a decentralized storage for flat files.

Tiddly seems like it does some of the others, so I would like to evaluate it and learn more about those.

A good first video might be how to set up Tiddly with Storage and import some existing files to make a token zettlekasten.

Some other topics of interest, possibly for other videos might be

  • setting up your files with Anki.
  • Comparing to tools like foam, dendron, and org mode which work from within specific editors.
    • (I would prefer to be able to edit from within different editors and devices )
  • Compare to tools like the above and other open source tools like logseq
  • Fission integration

That’s a lot. I know. But if getting started with git storage and a basic zettlekasten fits in one video, I’d be down to work my way through it with some guidance, asking questions as we go.

It might help a lot of people who are just starting out.

One item that stands out as area of interest is that if I write my notes in markdown and latex, I can use pandoc and related tools to render them into articles, flashcards, etc. Because the formats are so widely supported.

So I’m curious about the tiddly text format and how portable it is.

This sort of is what inspired the Tools for Thought sessions that I ran. See the post / video on the Fission blog:

Blaine Cook’s atJSON is covered and @jeremyruston showcased an EPUB → TW WikiText importer.

One could write an atJSON <> WikiText converter, and from there to Markdown or many other formats.

Markdown basics are supported, but anything fancier like transclusion breaks down immediately. Realistically, today, Markdown is “plain text” and thus most portable, but I don’t think much of it as a true interchange format. This is a much longer Tools for Thought topic that I am personally delving into.

Note that you can write tiddlers in Markdown:


Thanks Boris, I’ll check it out.

Franco and @Anthony_Serdula, I’m on sabbatical right now so I can do pretty much any time. What works well for you?

I’m on US Central time (UTC-5), so a time that’s a normal time to be awake would be appreciated. :slight_smile:

Pretty open for me. Mornings 10-11AM or Afternoons 2-4PM EST. I can move that around if needed. Thanks

2 PM Eastern time, so 1pm Central time works for me. Tuesday through Fri.

It’s Wed. Want to do Fri 8/20 at 2PM?

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This time will work for me

1pm Central/2pm Eastern on Friday works for me, too.

OK—who sets up the invite and communication platform? Thanks

I’ll post a zoom link later today for the meet tomorrow.

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I am interested in attending as well if that’s a possibility.

Hey Guys, here’s the zoom link.

See you at 2PM eastern time tomorrow!

This looks like 4am Sydney time. So since I will not join I just wanted to point out as far as note taking is concerned tiddlywiki is like plasticine, it can be molded how you want. My Primary get things done tool is a tiddlywiki that evolves as I adopt different methods and work flows I collect from anywhere. These may all operate at the same time or present alternate views of the same data.

To me the UX and Product questions should be around facilitating the different approaches if not plugins to address different designs. Examples include the existing trello view, presentations, mentat for multi-screen dashboards or stories (two column) And streams for outlining. All of these should be open designs so they can be melded into combined solutions.

A Good start to opening the UI space would be to document making different layouts, or accessing existing and adding new screen elements.

Post script - always enabling drag and drop