Typescript Plugin Template

It has Typescript types for tiddlywiki built-in. Now it’s easier to develop very complex plugins like the GitHub - tiddly-gittly/slate-write: A WYSIWYG editor for TiddlyWiki. (WIP)

After you push commits to Github, you can add tag like v0.1.1 to the commit, and Github Actions will automatically publish JSON plugin to the release page like Releases · tiddly-gittly/TiddlyWiki-TS-Plugin-Template · GitHub

(Adding tag using Github Desktop)


Amazing work, good job! :partying_face:

We also recommend the upstream tools of the Typescript Plugin Template here: tw5-plugin-packer can package your plugin as a .json file and you can install and use it using npm/yarn/pnpm or you can use it in GitHub Action!

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The obsidian community has its GitHub - obsidianmd/obsidian-sample-plugin

Hope this tw ts plugin template can make TW community have more complex JS plugins, making TW become more popular than the Ob!


This enthusiasm and contribution is appreciated @linonetwo. For sure that will happen :slightly_smiling_face: